Friday 29 April 2022

The Cock Crows


Photograph of Me and my pet chicken on my shoulder

Photograph of me and my two pet chicken 

During my primary school, I had opportunities to have pet chicken.  The first one was on the upper most photograph.  It is a brown chicken.  At first the chick was yellow and slowly it transform into a brown chicken.  I can still remember how I got the chick.  

It was one day when I was inside the vehicle with my elder brother.  He went out of the car to do some errands at the car workshop.  Over there, Lim Chu Kang area, I heard the sound of small chicks.  I was curious and went out of the car to take a look.  It was those type of kampong house at Lim Chu Kang area, now no more.  It was a wooden house and there was a hole in the house.  I put my hands into the hole on the floor of the house, extending into the house.  Upon putting my hands inside the house, I felt something.  It was chicks!  I put my hand deeper, and I tried to grab hold of one.  It was a success, I caught hold of one chick!  I quickly brought the chick to the car and put it into the bag!

And that was how I got hold of my first pet.  Soon my pet grew up, and it was time to kill it!!!  That was not my opinion.  I was so sad, cried over its demised back then.  As I was too grieved, my mother brought me to the market to buy 2 black chicks (the second photographs above).  They were black chicks but their feathers were white.  

I took care of the chicken myself.  I bought food, brought sand home and I put the chicken inside boxes.  The boxes were lined with newspaper.  I need to change the newspaper everyday or when they got dirty.  I stayed in the room with my sister, and she never liked my pets.

After the chicken grew up, the same thing happened again... it got slaughtered...  

I was so grieved again by their death.  Definitely I did not eat them.  

My uncle knew I love chicken, he brought to our home a very small miniature chick from other country.  Within one day, the miniature chick died.  I sat on it!!  That was the last time I had chicken.  

After I went secondary school, I was too busy to think of pets.  I have no pets throughout my secondary, college and university days.

Nowadays no one sell small chicks, or I never encountered anyone selling small chicks.  I had dogs, cats, terrapins, fish and even birds as pets too.  

5 June 2012, saw this dove on the shrub

The cock story will be continued.  Meanwhile, it is such a pleasure, happiness to encounter birds on life journey.  They brightened my life. 

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