Wednesday 7 August 2024

Malaysia Boleh


Cuttlefish Kang Kong

It is so hard to buy Cuttlefish Kang Kong nowadays.  The one at Marsiling Mall closed down already.  Good cuttlefish kang kong are so hard to find.  Yesterday my sister, mum and me went Jurong Point's Malaysia Boleh food court.  We were surprised to see the fried kway teow stall selling cuttlefish kang kong.  Even though there were no pineapple in the dish, the overall taste of the dish was considered good.  The cuttlefish was fresh and got reasonable amount.  One plate of it cost $6.60.

Fried Kway Teow stall and Cuttlefish Kang Kong stall at Malaysia Boleh

My sister paid for the cuttlefish kang kong while I paid for the popiah.  The popiah were not that nice.  It was quite salty too.  It cost $2.50 per roll.  

Popiah at Malaysia Boleh

This Malaysia Boleh at Jurong Point is bigger than the one I went at Great World.  There were so many stalls; there were chicken rice, bak gu teh, kway stall, fried kway teow, fried oyster etc  However the dessert stall was rather small, selling only green bean soup and three others soup only.  There were no ice kacang or chendol.  

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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Ghost Doctor


Rain in Ghost Doctor

Dr Cha and Dr Koh in Ghost Doctor

Ghost Doctor (Korean: 고스트 닥터; RR: Goseuteu Dagteo) is a 2022 South Korean television series directed by Boo Seong-cheol and starring Rain, Kim Bum, Uee, and Son Na-eun. The series revolves around two doctors from extreme backgrounds and skills merging into one person.

I watched Ghost Doctor since last week and I had finished watching it.  It was such a nice and interesting show.  Dr Cha Young Min was a very experienced heart surgeon, however he was arrogant and cold.  He was considered the best heart surgeon in the hospital.  One day a new intern came to the hospital and his name was Go Seung Tak (Dr Koh) as shown above.  The two doctors did not like each other. Dr Koh was very good at theory but very poor at practical.  He could not even hold a scalpel properly.  In the hospital, Dr Cha would not care for the coma patients, but a twist of events changed him totally when one day he was involved in a car accident.

After the car accident, Dr Cha was not able to wake up.  He went into a coma and realised that he had turned into a Ghost.  He saw other Ghost in the hospital, which were those coma patients in the hospital.  Because of his attitudes towards the coma patients, he was not able to face them.  Seeing patients in the emergency room, he wanted to help.  One day, he discovered that he was able to enter Dr Koh's body and to do things that he could not do as a Ghost.  From then on, he would try to enter his body whenever possible.                     

While being a Ghost, he discovered the plot of the bad people which caused his accident.  He also changed his attitudes towards the coma patients.  He even helped the coma patients, together with Dr Koh's help, to recover.  Being in coma for some time, one day they discovered that there was a blockage to one of the artery in the heart that might be causing the lack of blood flow to the brain.  Once that is solved Dr Cha might wake up.  The surgery involved risk and the doctors seek ways to help him.  During his coma time, whenever there was emergency cases, Dr Cha would enter Dr Koh's body to help operate on these patients successfully.  However after some time, the body began to reject the spirit in some uncertain time.  So Dr Cha was afraid this might hinder the operation if he were to operate on himself.  However, he still tried his best.  Prior to the operation, Dr Cha trained Dr Koh to be a better doctor in using his practical skills.  On the day of operation, Dr Cha was expelled from Dr Koh's body eventually but Dr Cha wanted Dr Koh to finish the operation for him.  Everything was a success unexpectedly.  

Ending was well, everything goes well and it was a happy ending.  (In the show, Ghost appear in the hospitals when the patients were in coma.  Dr Koh was able to see them.  But once the coma patients were awake, the ghost disappear.  Dr Koh was able to see ghost since young after he was rescued in the hospital by Doctor Ghost Surgeon also.)  Good drama to watch, until I wanted to watch part 2 if there was any.  

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Heaven Is Real


A book by Choo Thomas

A Book by Todd Burpo

Colton, son of Todd Burpo, October 2022-3yrs old

Read these two books recently.  I read Heaven is for real first.  Colton had an experience of encountering heaven during his emergency appendectomy.  He met Jesus and his grandfather and even his miscarriage sister.  Sonja, Colton's mother, never told him about the miscarriage sister at all, but after the surgery, Colton was able to recount about the miscarriage sister, grandfather and Jesus.  

In the book, there is even a picture of Jesus.

Prince of Peace, by Akiane Kramarik

Akiane Kramarik was a young Lithuanian-American girl who lived in Idaho.  He had 'visions' of heaven at the age of four.  Her descriptions of heaven were same as Colton.  

The next book about Heaven is by Choo Thomas, a Korean American.  He met Jesus for the first time in February 1992. Choo Thomas had many heavenly encounters with Jesus where she visited different places of Heaven.  Whenever Jesus came to her, her body would shake.  Jesus wanted her to write this book for people to know about Him.  Through this book I had learned that my aborted baby is with Jesus!  So I have 4 children!

As quoted from the book:
Jesus and The Children:  Even when children are at a very young age, the Spirit of God seeks to save them.  Any parents who know God's word and don't teach it to their children or bring them to church are guilty of grave sins.  

Those women who have had abortions or mothers whose children died before the age of seven need to know that these children are all with our Lord Jesus in His kingdom.  It doesn't matter whether the children's parents are believers or unbelievers; they're still with Jesus.  Whoever comes to the kingdom of heaven will see any lost children they may have had.  I put all these things in this book because the Lord wants me to.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.”  John 14: 1-4

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Tuesday 30 July 2024

Plants For Sale


Seven Stars Needle Plant with 3 big fruits

Recently I had sold a pot of seven stars needle plant.  It is about 1.2m tall and it always flowered and currently had 3 big green fruits.  So the person purchased from me and arranged for transport to her home.  I am very happy that I had sold off one pot of plant.  I thanked Jesus for it.   

Currently I had so many more small pots of Seven stars needle plants that I had propagated.  If you would like to buy please send me a message.  I have other plants like Water Jasmine, Yam, money plant, and blue pea plants.

Flowers of Mexican Petunia

Someone gave me the Mexican Petunia plants.  Recently it had flowered and there were three!  The above shown two flowers.  Plants are so special.  In the beginning, the buds were whitish, then it changed into whitish orange (as shown below) and finally it turned pink as shown above.  

The flowering bud of Mexican Petunia

At first I thought I had missed watching the flower open, but what I had seen above is the bud of unopened flower.

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