Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts

Saturday 23 April 2022

Pink Begonia


Beautiful pink begonia plant had grown in the year 2011

Jesus worked many miracles in his lifetime.  Now he still work miracles.  There were many signs to show his works.  In the year 2008, when Jesus came, there was one day where in my pot, a giant bryophyllum had grown miraculously.  That same year, not only was I born again in water and spirit, many miraculous signs happened.  For example in the church, my note book suddenly got a feather!! I asked Clara, "Did you put in a feather in my notebook?"  Clara said she did not.  And the notebook had a sentence written in the book that means 'you are my best friend."  I was so touched by the sudden miracle.

The life of Jesus was all about caring for people and bringing them back to God.  He especially spent time helping those who knew they were trapped by sin and shame.  The Pharisees complained, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them" (Luke 15:2).  In reply Jesus showed how He is like a shepherd.  He does not want one sheep (one person) to be left in danger.  Even if only one sheep is lost, He keeps searching for that one until He finds it (Luke 15:1-7).  

Beautiful Pink Begonia that had grown miraculously from my garden pot

That was a picture of the whole plant.  It began from a small plant and not knowing it was a pink begonia until it flowered.  I did not put any seeds into the pot, it just grown miraculously out from the soil!  

Today another seven stars needle flower had opened.  And the two baby birds are growing well.  It was such a beautiful sight to see my beautiful garden.  

Rose Cactus blooming in my garden

All who ever came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.  I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved... The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full... I am the Good Shepherd;  I know My sheep and My sheep know Me  (John 10:8-10,14).