Showing posts with label kitten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitten. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Curious Cats


Picture of Taco peeking outside the window during a rainy day

Taco is about 3.5 months old now.  Just now it was raining heavily.  I opened the curtain and he began to come to the window to look at the outside world.  He is so curious looking at the falling rain outside the window.  Similar sight of this was also with Dora.  

Photograph of Dora looking outside the window

Dora was more than 2 years old in the above photograph.  The window grille was not pet friendly then.  She can go out of the window then.  We always take for granted that she will always return safely.  As their 'guardian angel' we had neglected our duties to keep her safe.  It was too late when we realized that.  Dora is dead... Was she our 'guardian angel' instead!

We had changed our window and window grille now.   It is pet friendly now.  Taco is not able to go out of the window.  If only we had changed our window grille earlier, Dora would not be dead.  Now we must be better 'guardian angel' for our pet Taco.  

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Wednesday 23 March 2022

My Latest Pet


Taco sleeping soundly on the bed

Taco sleeping with me on the bed

Taco is the latest pet at home.  He is the only pet left at home.  At first, it was the children's idea to bring Taco home.  But now, it is like my pet.  I am taking care of Taco, bringing him to the vet alone too.  

Owning a pet is easy but to take good care of it is a huge responsibility.  I need to make sure he is safe under my care, otherwise I feel bad.  Yesterday at the vet, there were many pet owners with their pet at the vet.  We always see people with nice pet with them.  But at the vet, we see pet owners with ugly pet, something we don't get to see often in the media too.  I saw a woman with a bulldog, tongue dangling out of the mouth, half blind and badly diseased skin.  The woman and the dog seemed to have very good relationship.  The woman never abandon the pet despite the ugly look of the pet.  

Everyone brought their special breed of pets to the vet, mine is only a normal stray.  But a Malay couple was attracted to Taco, came close and said, "So cute".  Never mind that I have only a stray, at least I rescue him from the factory.  From a dirty hungry kitten, now a clean and ideal weight kitten.  The sibling Mochi and his mum have problems looking for food everyday.  Their living condition is very bad.  Taco was full of ticks and fleas when he came home initially.  After treatment done for him, he seldom scratch his body now.  All the fleas and ticks were gone. 

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Friday 11 March 2022

Taco Comes Home


Taco and his mum at Singapore Cartons

That was the first time I met Taco, on 26 February 2022.  On that day, we tried to find the kittens but was unsuccessful.  After a prayer, the mother cat came to call me.  She led me to the kittens!  And that was how the children and me saw the mother cat and the kittens.  

We wanted to bring home the two kittens.  There was an opportune time when I was able to capture them.  They were in the palette.  I caught hold of Taco, the ginger cat.  Then Taco meowed so loudly and fiercely that I released him.  If I did not release him at that moment, I would have brought him home on that day.  

Taco in the carrier bag

The children were sad that we went home on 26 Feb empty handed.  But fortunately on the next day we managed to bring home Taco.  It was so hard to capture the kittens.  They were able to run and hide very well.  Then the company got so many palette and they hide too deep into the palette that's why no one can catch them.  The children had to lure the cats out using food.  

We put Taco in the yellow carrier bag with roller.  But during transportation, the children put the bag on their lab and watched him while in the car.  I was sitting in the front of the car and I was not able to look at how Taco was doing.  

The car owner's sister happens to be a Catholic too.  The reason why we were taking his car was because there was no Grab or Gojek vehicles that were willing to come Gul Crescent on that day.  I kept calling for them but to no avail.  Then my mum and I walked to this colleague of her, she told him that we would pay him and he was so kind to accept the offer.  

I was sitting at the front seat of the car, and that was what I saw. 

I thought we must thank St Anthony and Mother Mary for what we had got for the day.  

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