Showing posts with label dora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dora. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Curious Cats


Picture of Taco peeking outside the window during a rainy day

Taco is about 3.5 months old now.  Just now it was raining heavily.  I opened the curtain and he began to come to the window to look at the outside world.  He is so curious looking at the falling rain outside the window.  Similar sight of this was also with Dora.  

Photograph of Dora looking outside the window

Dora was more than 2 years old in the above photograph.  The window grille was not pet friendly then.  She can go out of the window then.  We always take for granted that she will always return safely.  As their 'guardian angel' we had neglected our duties to keep her safe.  It was too late when we realized that.  Dora is dead... Was she our 'guardian angel' instead!

We had changed our window and window grille now.   It is pet friendly now.  Taco is not able to go out of the window.  If only we had changed our window grille earlier, Dora would not be dead.  Now we must be better 'guardian angel' for our pet Taco.  

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Friday 8 April 2022

Precious Time

The clock tower is covered with overgrown plants

Went to Boon Lay Secondary School on 22 August 2008.  This is a gift from the graduating class of 1997.  The clock was stalled and the whole structure covered, cannot be seen.  I had to pushed aside the plants to take the picture and video.  It says 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴            .

Meaning of the chinese proverb shown on the clock tower

Time is like gold, but no amount of gold can buy time.  An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.  

Time passed cannot be reversed too.  Time gone cannot be found again.  Dora died about 2 months back.  Father died one year back.  Jesus came 14 years ago.  

Everyday it is a gift to be able to wake up in the morning.  We can get to choose what we want to do for the day.  Thank God every morning for being able to wake up for another day.  Be good and do good to the people around us and our pets.  We do not know when we are not going to see them next.  Life is so unpredictable, like Dora.  

Last sight of Dora at the hospital

Got money also cannot bring back Dora.  Got money cannot buy back the lost time.  During my working days, I spent hours working, came home and need to cook meals or buy food, do the chores of the house and need to prepare for next day's lessons.  Richard spent his time working too.  There was hardly time together.  No quality time together, but it takes two to tango.  We hardly talk to each other.  And then one day he just suddenly told me that he knew of another girl!!!  I was so surprised and sad and angry that such things happened.  I was taken aback by such behaviour and treatment from him.  

We know each other for 32 years!  In the year 2000 we got separated and he left the house for another woman also.  I prayed for family reunion and in the May 2002 he came back.  After he knew that I started work, he stopped driving taxi.  He took over his aunt's shop business with his sister.  That is where everything change...  

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Monday 21 February 2022

Evangelize a not


             Photograph showing the white cross on the cardboard box that Dora had loved.  

To write or not to write.  To hide or not to hide.  Finally I had decided to publicize my blog again after so many months of stopping and 'hiding'.  

I cannot earn much from online.  So I found a job in the childcare industry.  I quit my full-time job after some years working with them.  Now I am back to write again.  Why?  I find that I must 'tell' and 'share' if I had discovered the truth.  I had witnessed IT and I had to share to tell the truth, the truth about Jesus, the presence and existence of God, the blessed trinity.  

I saw on Tik Tok, a man asking or wondering to abort their baby.  He talked until so easy, asking girlfriend to abort the child.  As I had experienced before, I would not advise women to abort their baby anymore!  It's a life lost.  

A life is so precious.  Take my cat for example.  Dora was just gone in an instant on that night of Chinese New Year Eve.  She was our precious cat, giving us joy and companionship all the time of her life.  But just for a moment she was around, but for the next moment she was gone...

Not everybody knows the values of a life.  So I feel that since I had experienced it, I should do something to reveal the truth.  If Jesus shown his love for me and had forgiven my sins, then I should bare all the embarrassment and pluck my courage to reveal the truth.   

The Parable of the Lost Sheep:  … What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices more over that one sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.… ~Matthew:18:12-13

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Saturday 19 February 2022

The Opportune Time


Photograph showing an early reunion dinner with my mother on 29.1.2022

My mother said she would cook for our reunion dinner on Saturday.  You can see the six dishes on the dining table.  

                                             Photograph of Dora eating chicken at the table

Dora waited at the dining table.  I saw her waiting and so decided to give her a piece of chicken.  She smelled fish, but it was spicy so I did not give her fish.  

On the fateful day, it happened just after our dinner when everyone was free, really free -- even Clara finished washing the dishes.  After the incident, we talked about it, and came to know that Ricsson saw Dora at first at the window.  But we were so used to her walking in and out and nothing happened.  She was so skillful.  So apparently he left her alone.  But moments later, when I was walking to Isaac's room, and at that time, Ricsson was looking for Dora too.  Ricsson saw Dora.  He did not know that was a reflection of Dora or the real Dora outside the window.  Dora looked at Ricsson and she 'fell'.  Ricsson conveyed the message next.   After the incident, we talked and thought and it was like all planned carefully.  Dora 'fell' as though planned, waiting for Ricsson to see her and then waiting for Ricsson to convey the message to me.  I heard the news with disbelief.  It was so unreal.  How can it be?  But still we have to face the music.  

We were suppose to eat Yu Sheng after the dinner, but in the end we need to tend to Dora's departure.  We went downstairs and I saw her lying on the ground.  I quickly carried her in my arms.  She was not dead yet.  I called out, "Dora, you must pull through." and the children helped to search for emergency hotlines to call vet or pet ambulance.  Dora was so weak and warm in my arms.  But later I saw her eyes not the same anymore.  She was gone...

Still we sent her to the vet, Mount Pleasant Veterinary Group.  It was still open during Chinese New Year Eve, a day where many shops closed early.  Carrying Dora in my arms, we took Gojek to 2 Jalan Gelenggang.  Over there, a vet quickly tend to us.  However, he declared Dora's death.  He told us that her legs were broken too.  Her jaw also dislocated.  

The vet brought us to a small room where we could spend the last moments with Dora.  It was a sad moment for everybody yet we were grateful that Dora had chosen to end at this perfect timing where everybody was around.  There were even time allowed for us to grief.  Not only was she obedient, she was so considerate until the end of time.

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The Fateful Day


A photograph of the beautiful yellow flowers on the tree at our neighbourhood on 31.1.2022

It was a beautiful sunny day.  On this day, people, mostly the Chinese, will celebrate their Chinese Reunion dinner.  My children decided to go swimming on this day.  So we booked the swimming slots and then took a bus to the swimming pool.  

After swimming, we wanted to go Marsiling Mall to eat Fried Kway Tiao, but most of the stalls were closed.  Only some Indian and Malay stalls were opened.  So we decided to go NTUC to buy some food for Hot Pot later at home.  

As soon as we were done shopping, we walked home.  On the way, we saw beautiful flowers as shown above.  The whole tree was blossomed with beautiful yellow flowers.  We stayed there to took photographs and then proceed to go home.  

         Photograph of our dining table on 31.1.2022 (You can see Dora at the top left hand corner)

                           Photograph showing Dora sitting and looking at the dining table

Back at home, we prepared everything for the dinner.  Everyone helped except Ricsson who was sleeping. Isaac shred the carrots, radish and cucumber for the Yu Sheng (Fish Salad).  Clara and me prepared the rest of the dinner.  Dora was so curious.  That was the first time she saw Hot Pot on the table.  She was popping up her head to look at the dining table.  Clara asked me to look at her.  She was so cute.  Then just before dinner was going to be served, Dora was sitting at the dining table.  She also wanted to join us!

During the dinner, Dora waited at the table.  We hesitated to give her Salmon because the soup was not clear.  It was tomato hot pot.  In the end we did not give her anything for that day.  A day before, when we had reunion dinner with my mother, Dora ate chicken for the dinner.  But we soon regretted not giving her Salmon...

After dinner, we cleared the table and I was talking about Dora, counting her age and years with us.  Then we was talking about what time we will have our Yu Sheng.  Clara was in the kitchen washing dishes later.  Ricsson and Isaac were together.  I was busy with some work on the dining table too.  I was not looking at Dora then.  After a while, I decided to walk to Isaac's room.  Ricsson and Isaac were together there.  I could not remember why I walked there.  As soon as I reached Isaac's room, I saw Ricsson standing at the window.  I heard a sound from the window.  The next moment, Ricsson told me about Dora being outside and had fallen...

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Friday 18 February 2022

Fate or destiny


                                 Stray cats at Fu Shan Garden on 14 March 2019

Dora was the one in the middle

One afternoon when Isaac came back from school, he saw an incredible sight.  It was the dinosaur playground filled with many cats.  He quickly came home to tell me.  He said he wanted to have a cat.  

As it was my lunch time, I had to rush back to work.  So I quickly went to the playground to have a look.  Wow, there were so many cats, as many as ten!  All the cats were lying around, not moving at all.  Some were adults some were kittens.  We did not know which one to pick.  Then I just heard pick the grey one.  I saw the grey one and I carried it.  I put it in my bicycle's basket and we brought it home.  

The children wanted to name it Dora.  The children were excited to have Dora at home.  I did not know how Dora behaved as I went to work.  When I came home in the evening, I bathed her.  The next day we brought her to the vet to deworm and had vaccination.  The vet told us that she was about two months old.  

From that day onwards, Dora became our family.  As each day passed by, we love her more and more.  She was so adorable and sweet.  

Dora was very skinny.  The vet said she was underweight.  Under our care, she looked better and better each day.  She was so beautiful.  But it was too short a life for her.  She was only 3 years with us, so healthy and pretty.  

If we did not bring her home, what would her life be now?  

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Thursday 17 February 2022

Goodbye Dora

Rest in peace, Dora... We missed you forever. 

 After Cebest died, this time round, I took good care of her nutrition. I make sure that she ate good food. However, I failed again...

There was time when Dora looked at the altar for so long, not one time but a few times.  She stared at it for so long as though God was teaching her or conversing with her.  I never thought that she would leave so sudden.  I bought so much food and litter for her.  The moment just happened so fast.  It only takes a minute...

Everyone grieved.  Her lost was too sudden that I can't believe it at first.  But it really happened...

'You tried your best'.  Isaac comforted me.  Thanks Isaac.  

Thursday 24 June 2021

My Companion


Dora my companion, photo taken during dinner time

Dora is my companion during mealtime.  She would come to me when I eat.  She would also come to the kitchen when I was preparing food.  She is just so curious about everything.  When I open parcel, she would come and explore also.  She is just so cute.  

In the beginning, it was Isaac who wanted to keep her.  They seek my permission and I was okay with it.  As the days past, my affection for her grows.  Now I like her so much.  

Whenever I have fish, I would give her some of it.  She loves to eat prawns also.  She also eat chicken and crab.  But her favourite is seabass and golden pomfret.

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Tuesday 23 March 2021

Water Moss


Picture of the water moss that I saw in the terrapins tank

Life is so amazing.  With life, so many amazing things can happen even without us knowing it.  It was simply incredible at times.  

The terrapins tank comes with a transparent cover as shown in the picture below: 

Photograph of the terrapins tank with a cover above it

Everyday Dora was so amazed at the terrapins as well.  She would sit down close by the tank and observe the terrapins.  Now she had learned to open the cover of the tank!  Imagine a cat with four legs, without hands, just legs, but they had tried to use their forelegs as hands!  Dora used her forelegs or 'hands', using her claws to lift up the cover!  How smart of her!  

After lifting up the cover, she licked the terrapins!  This is her way of learning more about these new friends in the water.  

Anyway, the water in the tank was not changed for more than a week.  So the white pebbles contains algae and a stalk of moss was found!  So amazing, a stalk of moss with stalk and leaves in the water just appear out of nowhere!  It was regeneration -- Just like how maggots appear in a closed bottle if the banana was left to rot in it.  This is the first time I see a water moss grown in water.  It was marvellous.  

Photograph showing the water moss grown in the water

I had taken a photograph of the water moss as shown in the picture above, however, it was too small to be seen clearly.  So I had sketched a drawing of the moss on the uppermost picture of this post.  

We planned to grow the moss, we did not throw it away.  Yesterday, the children changed the water and wash the pebbles for the terrapins.  After that, they put the moss back into the water.  But today it was gone.  Maybe the terrapins ate it up.  

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Sunday 21 March 2021

Foodpanda Rider

Photograph showing my bicycle with the warmer box attached on it.
 My Foodpanda equipment arrived on 12 March 2021, about 3 days after I ordered it.  So it was quite fast.  I spent about $90 for the whole set of equipments --the above is the cyclist backpack, then I have regular thermal bag and Halal thermal bag, short-sleeve shirt and long-sleeve shirt, and a rain set jacket.  

Photograph showing the Halal thermal bag.

Photograph showing the normal thermal bag with Dora being so curious to see what was it.

Dora was so curious as always of new things.  She would come sniff what was the items.  She was also very curious about the terrapins -- always taking out the cover and use her 'hands' to touch the terrapins.

Mounting the backpack on my bicycle was a problem.  There was no hook or metal loop at the basement of the backpack.  I see that the grabfood backpack comes with metal loop so that the backpack can be secured to the back of bicycle.  So I used my own ways to finally secured on the bicycle, but it was not so stable.  

With that I was all ready to earn money!