Friday 18 February 2022

Fate or destiny


                                 Stray cats at Fu Shan Garden on 14 March 2019

Dora was the one in the middle

One afternoon when Isaac came back from school, he saw an incredible sight.  It was the dinosaur playground filled with many cats.  He quickly came home to tell me.  He said he wanted to have a cat.  

As it was my lunch time, I had to rush back to work.  So I quickly went to the playground to have a look.  Wow, there were so many cats, as many as ten!  All the cats were lying around, not moving at all.  Some were adults some were kittens.  We did not know which one to pick.  Then I just heard pick the grey one.  I saw the grey one and I carried it.  I put it in my bicycle's basket and we brought it home.  

The children wanted to name it Dora.  The children were excited to have Dora at home.  I did not know how Dora behaved as I went to work.  When I came home in the evening, I bathed her.  The next day we brought her to the vet to deworm and had vaccination.  The vet told us that she was about two months old.  

From that day onwards, Dora became our family.  As each day passed by, we love her more and more.  She was so adorable and sweet.  

Dora was very skinny.  The vet said she was underweight.  Under our care, she looked better and better each day.  She was so beautiful.  But it was too short a life for her.  She was only 3 years with us, so healthy and pretty.  

If we did not bring her home, what would her life be now?  

Buy Me Tea

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