Showing posts with label fu shan garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fu shan garden. Show all posts

Friday 29 March 2024

Beautiful Woodlands


Photograph of Woodlands captured while I was cycling on the pavement

Two days ago, I was cycling along Woodlands towards Admiralty at night.  Then I saw the lightings over at Admiralty.  I already knew about the event, the 'Pasar Malam' at Admiralty some time ago, but that was in the day time that I used to pass by every time.  However, two days ago, it was the first time at night that I cycled over to Admiralty, and I saw the beautiful lightings.  I didn't know that Woodlands can be so beautiful!

Video showing the beautiful Stonehedge at night at Fu Shan Garden 

 I only know that at Fu Shan Garden, there are beautiful lights at the stonehedge.  I think the MPs are doing a good job at our neighbourhood.  In this Hari Raya Puasa season, I registered for Ramadan Belanja A Meal and I got free meals for my family.  This year, I also applied for another event which is Back To School or something like that, got freebies like water bottle, school bag and cash for Isaac.  Many people in Woodlands love our MP, Mariam Jaafar so much.  She really organize so many activities and really help the neighbourhood a lot during these times where living expenses are so high.  

Watch the reel for the nigh scene I created at YouTube here.

Monday 25 April 2022

Learning Christ


Bought this at Church of St Francis of Assisi during my secondary school days

I bought this laminated card or book mark at Church of St Francis of Assisi.  I did not know that what was written behind the card.  Perhaps I did not know the real meaning of it at that time.  I only wanted Jesus to protect me and help me in my studies at that time.  It was only after Jesus said "Follow me" was my mind and heart 'opened', I saw the words 'Learning Christ' and it means so much to me then.  

At the back of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

What it wrote:
"Learning Christ"
Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gently
in all the events of life -- in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied.
Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my little pains and heartaches, so that I may be the only one to suffer from them.  
Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path.
Let me so use it that it may mellow me not harden nor embitter me, that it may make me patient, not irritable, that it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow, haughty and overbearing. 
May no one be less good for having come within my influence.  No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow-traveler in our journey toward Eternal Life.
As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper from time to time, a word of love to Thee.  May my life be lived in the Super-natural, full of power for good, and strong in its purpose of sanctity.  

I hope from today onwards I can be like Christ, learn His Ways to be a better person.  

Parasaurolophus dinosaur at Fu Shan Garden

Just now I went to Fu Shan Garden to take a picture of the dinosaur, Parasaurolophus, a dinosaur that I seen in the sky in the year 2008.  Below is a sign at the location of the dinosaur to show you a little information about the dinosaur: 

A signboard to show the name and information about Parasaurolophus

Like the parasaurolophus, I am a "herbivore", love vegetables, but I also eat seafood.  The Parasaurolophus that God had shown was a cute ones, with long arms and wore a special rounded hat (beret).  Besides protection for the head, the hat also shows the profession of a person.  It is a symbol of class and occupation.  However, I do not understand what it means to be wearing this kind of hat means.  The parasaurolophus that God shown also had a long arms.  A long arm also signify power as in the long arm of the law...

God raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.  And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church (Ephesians 1:20-22)

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Wednesday 20 April 2022

Fu Shan Garden

Fu Shan Garden taken on 7 February 1996

Fu Shan Garden taken on 20 April 2022

The top photograph shows the year 1996 where the photograph was taken.  The flats were being built. It was showing Blk 827.  The photograph was taken on the mountain top of Fu Shan Garden.  You can see the bricks staircase and the bricks flooring.  It remains unchanged over the years.  

The photograph on top shows Richard.  I took the photo.  He was wearing the shirt which I bought for him.  He was so excited to see our house.  I miss the house very much.  But it was like a haunted house...

 14 May 2021
26 May 2021

30 March 2022

Almost everyday we had to walk past the garden.  It is a big and beautiful garden, full of dinosaurs. There is also a basketball court and a few playgrounds.  The gardener tries very hard to beautify the garden as can see from the pictures above.  Every little plot of land, he tries to add plants and flowers to it.  Many times, I saw the gardener working on the empty plots of land.  

I feel so blessed to be able to live here even though there were good and bad memories over here.  Over here there are wet market at Woodlands North Plaza, big supermarket (Giant), and Causeway Point.  Not forgetting Woodlands Community Club here.  

Friday 18 February 2022

Fate or destiny


                                 Stray cats at Fu Shan Garden on 14 March 2019

Dora was the one in the middle

One afternoon when Isaac came back from school, he saw an incredible sight.  It was the dinosaur playground filled with many cats.  He quickly came home to tell me.  He said he wanted to have a cat.  

As it was my lunch time, I had to rush back to work.  So I quickly went to the playground to have a look.  Wow, there were so many cats, as many as ten!  All the cats were lying around, not moving at all.  Some were adults some were kittens.  We did not know which one to pick.  Then I just heard pick the grey one.  I saw the grey one and I carried it.  I put it in my bicycle's basket and we brought it home.  

The children wanted to name it Dora.  The children were excited to have Dora at home.  I did not know how Dora behaved as I went to work.  When I came home in the evening, I bathed her.  The next day we brought her to the vet to deworm and had vaccination.  The vet told us that she was about two months old.  

From that day onwards, Dora became our family.  As each day passed by, we love her more and more.  She was so adorable and sweet.  

Dora was very skinny.  The vet said she was underweight.  Under our care, she looked better and better each day.  She was so beautiful.  But it was too short a life for her.  She was only 3 years with us, so healthy and pretty.  

If we did not bring her home, what would her life be now?  

Buy Me Tea

Thursday 25 March 2021



Photograph of Baby, my first dog, a Shih Tzu

My first dog that I had was this dog, above, named Baby.  Richard drove to the pet shop at Balestier Road one day.  The shop owner chose this dog for us, put him in a pen, and we saw him playing so actively with the other dogs.  So we decided to buy him.  It was a gift from Richard.  Richard paid for the dog and on that day he won lottery, gaining the money back... 

I doted on him so much.  Baby was so pampered.  I bought him fresh pork to eat everyday.  I cut up the meat and boiled them for him.  He always finished the food.  Sometimes I gave him minced meat too.  He was so used to eating fresh pork that he did not want to eat dried food that was given to him.  Every week I bathed him too. We would bring him to Fu Shan Garden for a walk as well.

Look at the photograph above, he was so proud.  We specially bought the red cap from Bangkok.  If you want to buy a similar cap, Lazada has this red cap that looks nice.  Check it out here

Photograph of Baby and me

Baby loved to guard the door.  He always laid at the door, whenever any strangers walked past, he would bark at them.  He was such a passionate dog as well.  He loved to kiss me, as can be seen from the photograph below. 

Photograph of Baby kissing me

I had Baby before I was pregnant.  During my pregnancy, I was not able to tend to him at all.  In the end, we had to give him away.  My fifth uncle adopted him.  After that, it was known that Baby was too fierce, his temper was so bad and they had to give him away to other people.  That was the last news I heard of him.  Forever missed you Baby.  

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