Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts

Friday 18 February 2022

Fate or destiny


                                 Stray cats at Fu Shan Garden on 14 March 2019

Dora was the one in the middle

One afternoon when Isaac came back from school, he saw an incredible sight.  It was the dinosaur playground filled with many cats.  He quickly came home to tell me.  He said he wanted to have a cat.  

As it was my lunch time, I had to rush back to work.  So I quickly went to the playground to have a look.  Wow, there were so many cats, as many as ten!  All the cats were lying around, not moving at all.  Some were adults some were kittens.  We did not know which one to pick.  Then I just heard pick the grey one.  I saw the grey one and I carried it.  I put it in my bicycle's basket and we brought it home.  

The children wanted to name it Dora.  The children were excited to have Dora at home.  I did not know how Dora behaved as I went to work.  When I came home in the evening, I bathed her.  The next day we brought her to the vet to deworm and had vaccination.  The vet told us that she was about two months old.  

From that day onwards, Dora became our family.  As each day passed by, we love her more and more.  She was so adorable and sweet.  

Dora was very skinny.  The vet said she was underweight.  Under our care, she looked better and better each day.  She was so beautiful.  But it was too short a life for her.  She was only 3 years with us, so healthy and pretty.  

If we did not bring her home, what would her life be now?  

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Thursday 17 February 2022

Goodbye Dora

Rest in peace, Dora... We missed you forever. 

 After Cebest died, this time round, I took good care of her nutrition. I make sure that she ate good food. However, I failed again...

There was time when Dora looked at the altar for so long, not one time but a few times.  She stared at it for so long as though God was teaching her or conversing with her.  I never thought that she would leave so sudden.  I bought so much food and litter for her.  The moment just happened so fast.  It only takes a minute...

Everyone grieved.  Her lost was too sudden that I can't believe it at first.  But it really happened...

'You tried your best'.  Isaac comforted me.  Thanks Isaac.  

Thursday 24 June 2021

My Companion


Dora my companion, photo taken during dinner time

Dora is my companion during mealtime.  She would come to me when I eat.  She would also come to the kitchen when I was preparing food.  She is just so curious about everything.  When I open parcel, she would come and explore also.  She is just so cute.  

In the beginning, it was Isaac who wanted to keep her.  They seek my permission and I was okay with it.  As the days past, my affection for her grows.  Now I like her so much.  

Whenever I have fish, I would give her some of it.  She loves to eat prawns also.  She also eat chicken and crab.  But her favourite is seabass and golden pomfret.

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Thursday 25 March 2021



Photograph of the family in 2003

Life is so unpredictable.  One moment he was gone, another moment he came back.  Then now he is gone again.  Now, he is remarried...  I bought a Schnauzer for him in the year 2003.  Woe to me, I bought a dog instead of keeping a baby!  I never know that I would have 3 children next.  I never know that Cebest had such a short life also...

Ah Kew, his friend, happened to have a car that day.  Richard borrowed the car, and we went to see dogs at Pasir Ris.  We came across the only 'black' Schnauzer there, so cute and loveable.  It was love at first sight.  So I bought it for him.  Back home, we thought of a name for him.  'See the best' which is Cebest.  We paid only $2000 at that time to buy Cebest.  

Photograph of Cebest lying on the bed

Now, Isaac wishes to have a dog.  We went to the pet shop to see dogs.  He likes a Dachshund so much.  I asked the shopkeeper for the price and it was so incredible.  A Dachshund now cost $13000!!!!  It was simply too expensive.  We could not afford it.  And Isaac was so sad.  

Anyway, we had Cebest with us for 3 years.  We lost him after the yearly vaccination.  After vaccination, one day, he saw 'something' coming in from the main door.  He was barking non-stop at the air.  He saw something which we could not see.  The 'thing' came into our room.  He followed.  Then after that his health deteriorated.  The 'thing' might be the death angel that came to bring him away from us.  He always hide in the store room and his appetite was no good.  He refused to eat.  I wanted to bring him to the vet, but Richard said, "wait and see."  But in the end, in the early morning, dawn time, we had to rush him to the vet, which was too late.  He died at the clinic.  


 I was so sad for weeks.  It was the year 2006 that we lost him.  After that we do not have anymore dogs in our lives.  In the year 2007, I had occasions where my legs 'kick' on something at the end of the bed.  I also heard bells.  It seemed that Cebest had come back.  I was 'converted' as well.  And in the year 2008, my faith had saved me...

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Wednesday 17 March 2021

My Pets


Photograph of Dora at 1 year old

I love pets.  I had dogs, chickens and terrapins before.  Now I have cat at home.  The above photograph shows Dora, named by Isaac.  She was a stray kitten, brought home one day on 14 March 2019.  She is such a pretty cat.  We had done deworm and vaccination for her at the pet shop.  She was sterilized as well.  Dora can understand 'fish'.  She loves fish.  Every time I said 'fish', she would come out from her hiding place.  Besides fish, Dora loves to eat prawns also.  Sometimes she eats little chicken.  

Photograph of Dora (2 year old) looking at the newly purchased terrapins

Recently, the school counsellor suggested to buy terrapins for Isaac.  She bought two, but in the end 1 was stolen.  So it was only left with one, Mumbo.  Jumbo was stolen.  Jumbo was a female, bigger in size than Mumbo.  Mumbo and Jumbo were placed in school.  However after got stolen, Isaac got to bring it home.  But unfortunately, Mumbo died some time later.  

Isaac was sad to see the terrapins lost and died.  I walked past Marsiling pet shop one day, after seeing doctor for my hand.  I asked them if they sell terrapins.  The shopkeeper told me the shipment will come later in the week.  I called up several times to ask, and finally the shopkeeper even call me back to say the terrapins are here.   

Photograph of terrapins on 3 March 2021

So Isaac and me cycled to Marsiling pet shop to buy the terrapins on 2 March 2021 -- Two terrapins.  They were gifts from my mother to Isaac.  

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