Showing posts with label in his time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label in his time. Show all posts

Sunday 17 April 2022

Praise the Lord, Alleluia!!!


 You make all things beautiful in your time! 

In His Time Lyrics: 
In his time, in his time 
He makes all things beautiful In his time 
Lord please show me everyday 
As you're teaching me your way 
That you do just what you say 
In your time 

You make all things beautiful In your time 
Lord my life to you I bring 
May each song I have to sing 
Be to you a lovely thing 
In your time 


Lord please show me everyday 
As you teaching me your way 
That you do just what you say 
In your time 

In your time (in your time), in your time (in your time lord) 
You make all things beautiful In your time 
Lord my life to you I bring 
May each song I have to sing 
Be to you a lovely thing 
In your time 
Be to you a lovely thing 
In your time

What a perfect timing.  Today is the day after Good Friday where Jesus is Risen.  Happy Easter day and on this day, the eggs in the bird nest has hatched!  Last night, after midnight, the eggs were still not hatched.  Just now around noon, when I went to the garden to see the Green Chillies and the nest, I heard sound and it was the birds have hatched!!!  Praise the Lord, Alleluia!!!

In my garden, the seven stars needles flowers buds are plenty.  They were flourishing very well.  I am awaiting for the day to come when all the flowers bloom.  The chillies plants are growing very well too.  I am awaiting to see the chillies plants to grow bigger as well.  

At Woodlands MRT station, the birds build their nest at holes at the control switch

A further view of the control switch where I saw the bird nest at Woodlands MRT Station

I was walking along the pathway between Woodlands MRT Station and Causeway Point.  Then a bird flew by and my eyes followed it.  It flew into the hole at the control switch.  It was the 'modern' bird nest of the birds.  

John 14:23 -- Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.  

Picture of the big green chillies on the chilli plant

Thursday 7 April 2022

God's Revelation

In His Time
In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord, please show me everyday As You’re teaching me Your way, That you do just what You say in Your time. 

In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing, be to you a lovely thing in your time

Lord please show me everyday, As you're teaching me your way
That you do just what you say, in your time

In your time, in your time, You make all things beautiful, in your time
Lord my life to you I bring, May each song I have to sing, 
Be to you a lovely thing, in your time

Be to you a lovely thing, in your time

Just like how God had communicated with me through the heart and mind, and through dreams, God will reveal himself to you in your life as well.  He will do it in his time, as long as you sincerely ask him.  "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."  (Matthew 7:7-8)

"God, please show yourself to me."  This was what I asked for when I was young.  But God did not show himself to me then.  Perhaps God wants me to learn and experience life first and finally reveal himself in his time.  Anyway, God showed up, communicated with me and what's next?  

I need God to show me the way.  Richard had left the family and he is now married.  Soon after the paper work is done, he got married!  He wore a cross on his neck.  Is that what a disciple of Jesus should do?  

Yesterday I looked through the old stuff and I found a photograph of my first holy communion.  It says God Lives and God Loves.  Take and eat, This is my body.  Take and drink, This is my blood.  Four decades ago, I was at the church receiving my first holy communion.  What does it mean by God Lives?  I do not even know.  Now God still lives, but why is there a broken marriage now.  We spent so much money on the wedding photographs and it was kept in the cupboard to collect dust.  Then in the end we parted.  He said Isaac is my birthday present, and he left us for another woman...

I need God to show me the way, guide me to my next chapter of life.