Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Saturday 13 March 2021

A Saved Soul


Above: 11 April 2010 -- A flock of pigeons at the neighbourhood while we were walking to the church.

11 May 2010 at church of St Anthony of Padua

Jesus loves to share with stories and parables.  In Christianity, there were so many symbolism too.  According to Exemplore, it says that birds have become prominent symbols all throughout the world and across various cultures. They are often seen as the supernatural link between Heaven and the living here on Earth. In certain cultures and religions, like those of the Middle East or Asia, birds represent immortality. In the traditions of the original peoples of North America and in East Indian myth, birds are considered departed souls or spirit messengers. In Christianity, birds can represent peace or may be used to symbolize a saved soul 

Matthew 9:10-17 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples.  When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”   On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” .   

Do you understand what this means?  If I just said, some people might not believe what I said without any proof.  And there was no eye witness.  It happened in the bathroom, it happened while I was awoke and everybody were sleeping.  Who would believe what I said?  Am I in the right mind?  So I encountered all these sightings so that you might believe what I said.  

Jesus is the pure one, depicted in white.  I had NEVER ever seen a white dove before in my life until 11 April 2010.  Of course I had seen white dove in magic show.  But that was what they purchase in commercial.  What I mean is in nature.  So Jesus is the unblemished one.  Yet he had come to mix with the impure ones, as can see from the pigeons.  The white one symbolized Jesus and the mixture of black and white ones symbolized the sinners.  

In the photograph above from church of St Anthony of Padua, Jesus was resurrected from the tomb.  He was dressed in white.  

So I am the lost lamb, a sinner, that Jesus had saved.  Just like Jesus had resurrected, I was dead and was resurrected too.  He had saved my soul.  

Friday 12 March 2021

Peace Be With You

I find that this photograph was a bit too dark.  So I never choose it to be my profile picture.

I decided to choose this profile picture because the background is nicer than the rest. 

This photograph looks good but I don't like the  background.  

So this photograph revealed my tummy, showing proof of my pregnancy.  

These photographs were taken on Friday, ‎10 April ‎2009.  I was 8 months pregnant.  I spotted a pigeon and I was able to catch it.  It did not fly away fast enough or was I fast enough to catch it.  So happy to be able to catch it.  

When I was young, I was fascinated by birds too.  I tried to catch it but it just flew away when I went near them.  I even crept slowly near them.  But to no avail.  

Anyway, this post is about choosing a pen name for my post.  I had originally used Bliss.  However, I find that it was too difficult to pronounce.  Then I choose the current photograph which is the one below here.  

I think I am too skinny in this photograph, my 'sinner' or 'sick' older self.

This photograph was taken on 6 September 2008, 2 days before my birthday.  Little did I know that I was pregnant by then.  

"This time I am keeping the baby no matter what. "  This was what I thought at that time.  

I asked my children to take the photographs for me.  And I find that the second picture from the top is the most satisfactory for my profile picture.  And I still prefer to be named Peace, easier to pronounce.  So Peace be with you.  May I bring the good news to you.  

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