Showing posts with label separation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label separation. Show all posts

Friday 15 April 2022

Good Friday


A plate of fried rice cooked by my mother

At first it was said that she, my mother, would move tomorrow.  However, last minute, my brother called and said he would pick my mum up later.  At first, mum defrost the fish and got ready the cauliflower to be cooked for dinner.  The plan was changed.  She went to bathe and got all the things ready to move out.  Earlier on, my sister and brother-in-law came too.  

I woke up in the morning and mum had already prepared breakfast for Ricsson.  She prepared breakfast for me too -- a plate of fried rice with beautiful prawns on top.  I did not take the photo.  Her plate of fried rice, no additional ingredients.  We ate together at the dining table.  I regretted not taking photo.  Later in the afternoon, we ate a plate of glutinous rice together.  Again I never take any photograph.  That was our last meal, shared, and I never kept a copy of it.  Never know that was our last meal.  

Glutinous rice cooked by mum on Wednesday 13 April 2022

Mum never waste food.  She is a thrifty person.  There were some glutinous rice left over on Wednesday.  So for lunch we shared a plate of hot glutinous rice and she ate so little.  Taco joined in.  We ate happily, not knowing that mother is going to move out later.  

I am having headache now, after all the crying.  I saw mum wiping her tears when she left the house just now.  I too felt very sad that this day she is moving out.  I never felt this sad.  I missed her already even though we can still meet each other again at Yew Tee.  Whenever I thought of her, I feel very sad and my head ache.  I am old already, mum even older -- she will be celebrating 79 years old soon.  We were talking about celebrating her birthday this year.  Looking forward to celebrate her birthday.  

I feel so blessed to have mum around.  I am so blessed to have brothers and sister, and my own children.  I was writing about Be Baptized and not long after that, my mood was changed to sadness.   I hope mum can have a long and healthy life.  May God showered her with happiness and long healthy life.  

Friday 19 March 2021

My grandfather


Photograph of my maternal grandfather

This is my maternal grandfather.  He died on 13.1.2002. During his funeral mass, Amazing Grace was sung. It was a sad occasion, everyone crying and my mother was so sad. This song was sung but it was just a nice and beautiful song at that time. But it is a meaningful and relevant song to me after Jesus came, on 8th March 2008 (God and Jesus came...). Some months ago (in 14 August 2017), I dreamt of my grandfather. In the dream, he told me his name was Joseph Lee. I woke up to check if his name and surname was really Joseph Lee. Indeed it was. I never know he was named Joseph.  

My grandfather and grandmother were siblings.  He loved to play mahjong with my mum.  He worked as a sugar cane delivery man, delivered sugar cane to drink stalls.  My second aunt used to be working in the drink stall with her husband.  My parents and I went usually visited them at the stall.  Sometimes over there I would see my grandfather.  

I went to the hospital with my sister to see my grandfather before he died.  At that time I was still separated with Richard.  It was somewhere around May 2002 that he came back to the family.  His sudden returned disrupted my life then.  However I still welcomed him because the children will have a complete home...  

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