Showing posts with label hobbies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobbies. Show all posts

Sunday 1 May 2022

Treasures In Heaven


A cottage that I made during my childhood day

I am clearing my old stuff.  Last time I displayed them but later on I put inside storage box...  So for many years it had been in the storage boxes.  Recently I cleared a box and threw away my hand-made cottages and also cottages that I had purchased at shops and departmental stores.  The above picture showed one of the cottages that I made. Below, the photo showed some of the houses that I had bought over the years.  

My Collection of Cottages 

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  (Matthew 6:19-21)

This is what Jesus taught his disciples.  These things are not going to be brought with me when I leave earth one day.  So I am tidying up my house, throwing and selling my collection of cottages.  

It has always been my hobbies and interest to look at nice cottages like Liliput Lanes cottages and David winter cottages.  I went shopping, looked at cottages and then I bought them.  But now I am going to part with them.  It is better to store treasures in heaven than on earth...

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Dora's Pets


Photograph showing Dora looking at the terrapins

                                        Photograph showing Dora lying beside the terrapins

Just like human beings needed a pet to entertain them at home, Dora also has her own pets.  Her pets are the two little terrapins.  She always laid beside the tank to look at the terrapins.  Sometimes she would even touch them and at times also drink their water.  

Photograph of Dora and the terrapins

It is so good to see the pets are living well and Dora showing affection to the terrapins.  Sometimes she would also sit on the chair to watch the terrapins.  

Buy Me Tea

Friday 19 March 2021

My grandfather


Photograph of my maternal grandfather

This is my maternal grandfather.  He died on 13.1.2002. During his funeral mass, Amazing Grace was sung. It was a sad occasion, everyone crying and my mother was so sad. This song was sung but it was just a nice and beautiful song at that time. But it is a meaningful and relevant song to me after Jesus came, on 8th March 2008 (God and Jesus came...). Some months ago (in 14 August 2017), I dreamt of my grandfather. In the dream, he told me his name was Joseph Lee. I woke up to check if his name and surname was really Joseph Lee. Indeed it was. I never know he was named Joseph.  

My grandfather and grandmother were siblings.  He loved to play mahjong with my mum.  He worked as a sugar cane delivery man, delivered sugar cane to drink stalls.  My second aunt used to be working in the drink stall with her husband.  My parents and I went usually visited them at the stall.  Sometimes over there I would see my grandfather.  

I went to the hospital with my sister to see my grandfather before he died.  At that time I was still separated with Richard.  It was somewhere around May 2002 that he came back to the family.  His sudden returned disrupted my life then.  However I still welcomed him because the children will have a complete home...  

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