Wednesday 31 July 2024

Heaven Is Real


A book by Choo Thomas

A Book by Todd Burpo

Colton, son of Todd Burpo, October 2022-3yrs old

Read these two books recently.  I read Heaven is for real first.  Colton had an experience of encountering heaven during his emergency appendectomy.  He met Jesus and his grandfather and even his miscarriage sister.  Sonja, Colton's mother, never told him about the miscarriage sister at all, but after the surgery, Colton was able to recount about the miscarriage sister, grandfather and Jesus.  

In the book, there is even a picture of Jesus.

Prince of Peace, by Akiane Kramarik

Akiane Kramarik was a young Lithuanian-American girl who lived in Idaho.  He had 'visions' of heaven at the age of four.  Her descriptions of heaven were same as Colton.  

The next book about Heaven is by Choo Thomas, a Korean American.  He met Jesus for the first time in February 1992. Choo Thomas had many heavenly encounters with Jesus where she visited different places of Heaven.  Whenever Jesus came to her, her body would shake.  Jesus wanted her to write this book for people to know about Him.  Through this book I had learned that my aborted baby is with Jesus!  So I have 4 children!

As quoted from the book:
Jesus and The Children:  Even when children are at a very young age, the Spirit of God seeks to save them.  Any parents who know God's word and don't teach it to their children or bring them to church are guilty of grave sins.  

Those women who have had abortions or mothers whose children died before the age of seven need to know that these children are all with our Lord Jesus in His kingdom.  It doesn't matter whether the children's parents are believers or unbelievers; they're still with Jesus.  Whoever comes to the kingdom of heaven will see any lost children they may have had.  I put all these things in this book because the Lord wants me to.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.”  John 14: 1-4

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Tuesday 30 July 2024

Plants For Sale


Seven Stars Needle Plant with 3 big fruits

Recently I had sold a pot of seven stars needle plant.  It is about 1.2m tall and it always flowered and currently had 3 big green fruits.  So the person purchased from me and arranged for transport to her home.  I am very happy that I had sold off one pot of plant.  I thanked Jesus for it.   

Currently I had so many more small pots of Seven stars needle plants that I had propagated.  If you would like to buy please send me a message.  I have other plants like Water Jasmine, Yam, money plant, and blue pea plants.

Flowers of Mexican Petunia

Someone gave me the Mexican Petunia plants.  Recently it had flowered and there were three!  The above shown two flowers.  Plants are so special.  In the beginning, the buds were whitish, then it changed into whitish orange (as shown below) and finally it turned pink as shown above.  

The flowering bud of Mexican Petunia

At first I thought I had missed watching the flower open, but what I had seen above is the bud of unopened flower.

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Monday 29 July 2024

Happy Convocation 2024


Graduation day for Clara and Weiyu, 26 July 2024

On 26 July 2024 I attended Clara and Weiyu's convocation at NTU.  Before the day, I looked at the invitation and knew that I need to wear formal clothes.  I realized that I did not have beautiful formal clothes to wear.  I also need to buy gifts for them.  On that week, I went Causeway Point to do some shopping.  First, I went to SK jewellery to buy a gift for Clara.  Then I went Metro to buy clothes for myself.  I also bought a pair of shoes and a bag.  Everything was new!

Everytime when I go Metro to shop for clothes, I got nothing because there was nothing I like.  However on that week when I need to buy clothes, I had got to purchase two pieces of dress that I had liked.  There happens to be a promotion for Kurt Wood clothes.  Buy 2 and get 10% off.  And it so happens that there were XL and XXL size for me.  Most important of all, I love the materials.  The clothes were of my favourite colours.  Even the Kipling bag, I purchased at discounted price also.  It was my favourite colour and material too.  Everything was perfect for that week -- even when I choosed the perfect gift for Clara also.  

My perfect outfit for Clara and Weiyu's Convocation

Everything that I have and including my children and family, I thanked Jesus and God for showering me with love.  I am very contented with what I have now.  


Saturday 20 April 2024

God Bless Me


8 February 2024 fell down on the pavement, showing bruises on my knees

8 February 2024 early in the morning my spectacles broke

Two days ago on Thursday 18 April 2024, as I was walking along the ground floor of Blk 13 Marsiling Lane, I was shocked to be almost knocked down by a skate scooter guy.  The skate scooter touched my leg and the guy was just standing in front of me, with my hands pushing him away.  He apologized to me, and as I was not injured, I thanked God for protecting me, I just continued walking my way to my bicycle.  I was so thankful that I was not injured at all.  

Today, when I pushed the trolley, I was tripped a few times and I was lucky not to fell over the trolley too.  God is helping me, protecting me, because I had propagate the prayer.  

On the early morning of 8 February 2024, as I was preparing to go to work, I had just finished washing my face and was about to put facial protection on my face.  I sat on my spectacles and it broke.  On that day, I was lucky that I had a spare spectacles at home.  At work, I was not able to see the computer clearly because the spectacles do not have progressive lenses.  

On that morning, I need to go SingPost to mail letters.  I was walking on the pavement, heading to the SingPost.  As I was walking, I saw the traffic light ahead of me.  It was green man.  I wanted to save time, and decided to run.  As I started to run, I tripped and fell on the floor instead.  I just kneel on the floor, with both knees on the floor.  It was so painful.  Luckily, there was not much injuries, though in the beginning I had back aches.

I am really thankful that God had been so nice to me, to give me another chance to live my life again after abortion, and God had been helping me in my life too in many ways.