Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Plants For Sale


Seven Stars Needle Plant with 3 big fruits

Recently I had sold a pot of seven stars needle plant.  It is about 1.2m tall and it always flowered and currently had 3 big green fruits.  So the person purchased from me and arranged for transport to her home.  I am very happy that I had sold off one pot of plant.  I thanked Jesus for it.   

Currently I had so many more small pots of Seven stars needle plants that I had propagated.  If you would like to buy please send me a message.  I have other plants like Water Jasmine, Yam, money plant, and blue pea plants.

Flowers of Mexican Petunia

Someone gave me the Mexican Petunia plants.  Recently it had flowered and there were three!  The above shown two flowers.  Plants are so special.  In the beginning, the buds were whitish, then it changed into whitish orange (as shown below) and finally it turned pink as shown above.  

The flowering bud of Mexican Petunia

At first I thought I had missed watching the flower open, but what I had seen above is the bud of unopened flower.

Buy Peace Tea

Friday 8 April 2022

Precious Time

The clock tower is covered with overgrown plants

Went to Boon Lay Secondary School on 22 August 2008.  This is a gift from the graduating class of 1997.  The clock was stalled and the whole structure covered, cannot be seen.  I had to pushed aside the plants to take the picture and video.  It says 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴            .

Meaning of the chinese proverb shown on the clock tower

Time is like gold, but no amount of gold can buy time.  An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.  

Time passed cannot be reversed too.  Time gone cannot be found again.  Dora died about 2 months back.  Father died one year back.  Jesus came 14 years ago.  

Everyday it is a gift to be able to wake up in the morning.  We can get to choose what we want to do for the day.  Thank God every morning for being able to wake up for another day.  Be good and do good to the people around us and our pets.  We do not know when we are not going to see them next.  Life is so unpredictable, like Dora.  

Last sight of Dora at the hospital

Got money also cannot bring back Dora.  Got money cannot buy back the lost time.  During my working days, I spent hours working, came home and need to cook meals or buy food, do the chores of the house and need to prepare for next day's lessons.  Richard spent his time working too.  There was hardly time together.  No quality time together, but it takes two to tango.  We hardly talk to each other.  And then one day he just suddenly told me that he knew of another girl!!!  I was so surprised and sad and angry that such things happened.  I was taken aback by such behaviour and treatment from him.  

We know each other for 32 years!  In the year 2000 we got separated and he left the house for another woman also.  I prayed for family reunion and in the May 2002 he came back.  After he knew that I started work, he stopped driving taxi.  He took over his aunt's shop business with his sister.  That is where everything change...  

 Buy Me Tea

Saturday 29 May 2021

Toto Tickets


2 winning Toto tickets

My mother gave me 2 winning Toto tickets -- 3 winning numbers only.  I went to claim the prize on 18 May 2021 as I was afraid of encountering crowds.  So I went to claim at Woodlands North Plaza on Tuesday morning.  There was no queue and I got my money very fast.   I just gave them the tickets and they gave me the money.  

2 winning tickets paid out of $43.60

I received a total of $43.60 from the two tickets.  $43.60 is considered a lot for me considering the fact that I cannot even earn this amount in 4 hours.  I worked as Foodpanda rider and for 4 hours, mostly I cannot even earn $32!  

Yesterday I went to Causeway Point Challenger to buy 2 MicroSD card for my mother.   As I am not a Challenger member, I need to pay $7.50 for each card.  Member price is $7.00.  So I paid a total of  $15 for two cards.  I would transfer some songs to her.  She loves listening to songs.  

Sometimes if I have inspiration, I would buy Toto or 4D, especially if there are special dreams.  However, I hardly win, or should say never win.  

Ritz Lemon Crackers


Ritz Lemon Flavoured Crackers in packet

I first try this Ritz Lemon Flavoured Crackers on 10 May 2021.  I chanced upon it during my visit to Giant at Woodlands North Plaza.  There were only a few packets left on the shelf.  I only bought a packet to try.  Back at home, I opened up the sandwich to try.  

Ritz Lemon Flavoured Crackers 

My first try of it was a good experience.  It was so good.  It was a good snack.  Better than peanut butter crackers from Julie.  It was sweet, tangy and salty.  The cream was just nice, not too much, not too little.  In a few days, I finished the whole packet of Ritz.  I wanted to buy more of it.  

I went online to look for it, but Redmart and Fairprice did not have it.  All no stock.  I went to Woodlands North Plaza to buy from Giant, and there was no stock also.  Every now and then I checked for stock availability, but to no avail.  Finally yesterday at Cold Storage (Causeway Point), I saw it and grabbed 4 packets of it -- 2 for me and 2 for my mother.  

Four Packets of Ritz Lemon Flavoured Crackers

Wednesday 17 March 2021

My Pets


Photograph of Dora at 1 year old

I love pets.  I had dogs, chickens and terrapins before.  Now I have cat at home.  The above photograph shows Dora, named by Isaac.  She was a stray kitten, brought home one day on 14 March 2019.  She is such a pretty cat.  We had done deworm and vaccination for her at the pet shop.  She was sterilized as well.  Dora can understand 'fish'.  She loves fish.  Every time I said 'fish', she would come out from her hiding place.  Besides fish, Dora loves to eat prawns also.  Sometimes she eats little chicken.  

Photograph of Dora (2 year old) looking at the newly purchased terrapins

Recently, the school counsellor suggested to buy terrapins for Isaac.  She bought two, but in the end 1 was stolen.  So it was only left with one, Mumbo.  Jumbo was stolen.  Jumbo was a female, bigger in size than Mumbo.  Mumbo and Jumbo were placed in school.  However after got stolen, Isaac got to bring it home.  But unfortunately, Mumbo died some time later.  

Isaac was sad to see the terrapins lost and died.  I walked past Marsiling pet shop one day, after seeing doctor for my hand.  I asked them if they sell terrapins.  The shopkeeper told me the shipment will come later in the week.  I called up several times to ask, and finally the shopkeeper even call me back to say the terrapins are here.   

Photograph of terrapins on 3 March 2021

So Isaac and me cycled to Marsiling pet shop to buy the terrapins on 2 March 2021 -- Two terrapins.  They were gifts from my mother to Isaac.  

Buy Me Tea