Showing posts with label giving birth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giving birth. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Trials and Tribulations


The Throne of God taken on 26 August 2008

I want to thank God for showing to me that He exists and for telling me that there are Purgatory.  One night, I dreamt of National University of Singapore.  I was walking in the linked shelter --the yellow shelter.  I was walking and walking and then later on I saw the scriptures with the word "God's Will" zooming in and then I woke up to see the image of the Singapore Map (the formation of the Clouds) outside my window.  

Map of Singapore on 26 August 2008 A Living Sacrifice 

Sacrifice of Body and Mind: Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

 2009, I was lying on the bed of Mount Alvernia Hospital

Babies are gifts of life from God.  Due to my ignorance and blindness and family circumstances, I aborted my baby after Richard's return.  Some couples wanted babies and they couldn't even have any.  Here I am, God gave me a new life and I killed it.  Now God came to me, telling me it was all wrong.  I have to sacrifice.  I was given again a new life and this time I learned my lessons, and no matter how hard it may be, I had to keep the baby.  The doctor asked me to do test to check if baby was normal.  I did not check for any test.  It was my faith to trust God, to give me a perfect child despite my old age at that year.  So indeed, I gave birth to a perfect child.  

Now Richard had left again, and this time he is remarried to another woman.  God showed His existence and Jesus asked me to Follow Him.  Here I am, living in faith and hope that everything will go on well for my children and family.  I will put my trust in God for He works in a miraculous way and He can work wonders.  

Saturday 20 March 2021

2 is enough


Singapore's 2 is enough policy in the early years

Singaporeans are mostly law abiding and tends to 'listen' to the government.  Otherwise there would be fines.  So whatever they said people would tend to abide by them.  How many women in my family follow this policy?  My sister has 2 children, my sister-in-law also has two children.  I used to think of only having 2 children too.  However, I was wrong.

Photograph of my new family portrait

At the age of 38 I gave birth to another tiny human being.  I had to carry my cross and bare all hardship to juggle my pregnancy with caring for the home and children.  How precious is a life?  

I had Isaac in my womb for nine months.  I did not know how much it means to me until I was almost losing it at the time of birth.  

There was bleeding and I quickly went to the hospital with Richard.  At the hospital, I was asked to lay in the bed to rest.  

Photograph of me at Mount Alvernia Hospital 2009

I stayed there for almost one two days and one night then I was pushed to the delivery ward.  Over there, I still need to wait for the uterus to open up.  It was early in the morning when I still need to wait for the doctor to arrive.  By the time I had epidural and the doctor came it was quite some time.  Finally the baby came out from my womb.  

Isaac cried and the nurse carried him to show me.  However later on, the doctor and nurse seemed to be doing something which I did not know.  Later on I was informed by the doctor that the baby was in critical state.  He was in the womb for too long, and he had eaten his own feaces.  The baby was a bit blue.  The doctor said the baby need to be pushed to the critical care unit.  

At that moment, I was so scared of losing him.  I did not want to carry him for nine months and lost him in the end.  We prayed.  I called home to the children and told them about it.  I asked them to help to pray too.  Luckily, soon Isaac was fine ultimately.  We thanked God that he was well at that moment.