Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Dora's Pets


Photograph showing Dora looking at the terrapins

                                        Photograph showing Dora lying beside the terrapins

Just like human beings needed a pet to entertain them at home, Dora also has her own pets.  Her pets are the two little terrapins.  She always laid beside the tank to look at the terrapins.  Sometimes she would even touch them and at times also drink their water.  

Photograph of Dora and the terrapins

It is so good to see the pets are living well and Dora showing affection to the terrapins.  Sometimes she would also sit on the chair to watch the terrapins.  

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Tuesday 30 March 2021

Roborovski Hamster

 I used to have Roborovski Hamsters too.  From 2 hamsters, Mopsy and Clopsy, they bred into many generations of Robo hamsters.  I gave the babies to my niece and sister.  The video above shows Mopsy and Clopsy and their babies.  

There were more photographs of the hamsters.  We documented the development of the babies growth everyday, but it was in my old laptop.  One day, Isaac spilt water onto my computer and the whole computer was not functional anymore.  Not even when it was dried.  So all the photographs in the year 2014-2017 were gone.  

It was Isaac and Clara's idea to buy the hamsters, but in the end I am the one changing the bedding, taking care of the hamsters.  Isaac was too young then to do all the work.  But now Isaac and Clara take care of the terrapins all by themselves.  Everyday Isaac fed the terrapins and every week they will wash the tank for the terrapins.  As for Dora, both Isaac and me help to bath for her once a month.  

For the hamsters, I changed the bedding once every month.  When there were too many hamsters, I had two boxes of hamsters.  After that, they gave birth, and I transferred the male one out of the box otherwise the father would attack the babies.  

Now we cannot have hamsters because Dora would probably hurt them unless the hamsters are caged up.  Anyway, I think having terrapins and a cat is enough for now.  

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Wednesday 17 March 2021

My Pets


Photograph of Dora at 1 year old

I love pets.  I had dogs, chickens and terrapins before.  Now I have cat at home.  The above photograph shows Dora, named by Isaac.  She was a stray kitten, brought home one day on 14 March 2019.  She is such a pretty cat.  We had done deworm and vaccination for her at the pet shop.  She was sterilized as well.  Dora can understand 'fish'.  She loves fish.  Every time I said 'fish', she would come out from her hiding place.  Besides fish, Dora loves to eat prawns also.  Sometimes she eats little chicken.  

Photograph of Dora (2 year old) looking at the newly purchased terrapins

Recently, the school counsellor suggested to buy terrapins for Isaac.  She bought two, but in the end 1 was stolen.  So it was only left with one, Mumbo.  Jumbo was stolen.  Jumbo was a female, bigger in size than Mumbo.  Mumbo and Jumbo were placed in school.  However after got stolen, Isaac got to bring it home.  But unfortunately, Mumbo died some time later.  

Isaac was sad to see the terrapins lost and died.  I walked past Marsiling pet shop one day, after seeing doctor for my hand.  I asked them if they sell terrapins.  The shopkeeper told me the shipment will come later in the week.  I called up several times to ask, and finally the shopkeeper even call me back to say the terrapins are here.   

Photograph of terrapins on 3 March 2021

So Isaac and me cycled to Marsiling pet shop to buy the terrapins on 2 March 2021 -- Two terrapins.  They were gifts from my mother to Isaac.  

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