Showing posts with label terrapins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrapins. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Dora's Pets


Photograph showing Dora looking at the terrapins

                                        Photograph showing Dora lying beside the terrapins

Just like human beings needed a pet to entertain them at home, Dora also has her own pets.  Her pets are the two little terrapins.  She always laid beside the tank to look at the terrapins.  Sometimes she would even touch them and at times also drink their water.  

Photograph of Dora and the terrapins

It is so good to see the pets are living well and Dora showing affection to the terrapins.  Sometimes she would also sit on the chair to watch the terrapins.  

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Tuesday 23 March 2021

Water Moss


Picture of the water moss that I saw in the terrapins tank

Life is so amazing.  With life, so many amazing things can happen even without us knowing it.  It was simply incredible at times.  

The terrapins tank comes with a transparent cover as shown in the picture below: 

Photograph of the terrapins tank with a cover above it

Everyday Dora was so amazed at the terrapins as well.  She would sit down close by the tank and observe the terrapins.  Now she had learned to open the cover of the tank!  Imagine a cat with four legs, without hands, just legs, but they had tried to use their forelegs as hands!  Dora used her forelegs or 'hands', using her claws to lift up the cover!  How smart of her!  

After lifting up the cover, she licked the terrapins!  This is her way of learning more about these new friends in the water.  

Anyway, the water in the tank was not changed for more than a week.  So the white pebbles contains algae and a stalk of moss was found!  So amazing, a stalk of moss with stalk and leaves in the water just appear out of nowhere!  It was regeneration -- Just like how maggots appear in a closed bottle if the banana was left to rot in it.  This is the first time I see a water moss grown in water.  It was marvellous.  

Photograph showing the water moss grown in the water

I had taken a photograph of the water moss as shown in the picture above, however, it was too small to be seen clearly.  So I had sketched a drawing of the moss on the uppermost picture of this post.  

We planned to grow the moss, we did not throw it away.  Yesterday, the children changed the water and wash the pebbles for the terrapins.  After that, they put the moss back into the water.  But today it was gone.  Maybe the terrapins ate it up.  

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Wednesday 17 March 2021



 These are Opal and Oscar.  Opal is the female terrapin while Oscar is the male terrapin.  Female terrapin is always bigger than the male terrapin, as told by the shopkeeper.  He helped us to select the two different sexes, after our request.  

The shopkeeper was quite nice.  He chose everything for us, all the necessary items.  He even taught Isaac how and when to change the water for the terrapins.  The school counsellor had given us the tank, pebbles, solution and food.  But Isaac wanted to buy ourselves and return those things to the counsellor.  So we bought the Japanese white pebbles, the tortoise tank, tortoise food and Ammonia Detox.  And everything cost us $38.  My mum said, "You buy the tortoise and I will pay for it.  Tell Isaac to go school everyday."  In the end, my mother passed me a $50 note.  

Photograph of the food we giving to the terrapins and the Ammonia Detox we put in the water of the terrapins.

The Ammonia Detox helps to stabilize the water and to prevent diseases for the terrapins -- Anti white spot, Anti fungus and so on.  More specifically it read like these for its indication --
Ammonia Detox conditioner: removes harmful ammonia, chlorine and chloramines.  It can be use for all types of fishes, shrimps and invertebrates.  Ammonia level in aquaria can rise to dangerous levels due to poor filtration, overstocking, overfeeding or lack of water change.  This can cause unnecessary stress, outbreak of disease and even death to the fishes.  Ammonia Detox is a fast and effective way to eliminate ammonia from water, making water safe to use and prolong the water changes interval without the risk of ammonia poisoning.  Regular use prevents ammonia poisoning in live fish shipping.  Use regularly to improve fish conditions.  

As for Food we use XO Turtle Food Sticks: This brand is very good.  I purchase this because when I was a preschool teacher, I bought this for the school terrapin too, and the terrapin was well.  Similarly, it is almost 2 weeks plus already, or 15 days already and the tortoise looks so healthy and lively in the water.  Isaac told me they were able to eat 4 pellets now!  Previously they ate 2 per day.  

About XO Turtle Food Sticks: Latest formula ensuring every requirement of reptile nutrition, fortified with vitamins and calcium.  Promotes colour, health and growth.  The food is designed to float, easy to digest and assimilate, also accepted willingly by all turtles.  Does not cloud water.  Feed w or 3 times daily.  Remove any excess left over food.  Ingredients --Fish meal, wheat flour, oat, shrimps meal, algae meal, calcium photosphate colours, fish livers, spirulina etc. 

Photograph of the terrapins 'tools' or apparatus.  

This is a normal fish tank or terrapins tank.  My previous school used this type of tank too.  But as for the food, I fed Mumbo with the food, I never ever see him eating it before.  So he probably die of hunger or not used to the condition (cannot adapt to no aircon??  as suggested by the shopkeeper)  

My Pets


Photograph of Dora at 1 year old

I love pets.  I had dogs, chickens and terrapins before.  Now I have cat at home.  The above photograph shows Dora, named by Isaac.  She was a stray kitten, brought home one day on 14 March 2019.  She is such a pretty cat.  We had done deworm and vaccination for her at the pet shop.  She was sterilized as well.  Dora can understand 'fish'.  She loves fish.  Every time I said 'fish', she would come out from her hiding place.  Besides fish, Dora loves to eat prawns also.  Sometimes she eats little chicken.  

Photograph of Dora (2 year old) looking at the newly purchased terrapins

Recently, the school counsellor suggested to buy terrapins for Isaac.  She bought two, but in the end 1 was stolen.  So it was only left with one, Mumbo.  Jumbo was stolen.  Jumbo was a female, bigger in size than Mumbo.  Mumbo and Jumbo were placed in school.  However after got stolen, Isaac got to bring it home.  But unfortunately, Mumbo died some time later.  

Isaac was sad to see the terrapins lost and died.  I walked past Marsiling pet shop one day, after seeing doctor for my hand.  I asked them if they sell terrapins.  The shopkeeper told me the shipment will come later in the week.  I called up several times to ask, and finally the shopkeeper even call me back to say the terrapins are here.   

Photograph of terrapins on 3 March 2021

So Isaac and me cycled to Marsiling pet shop to buy the terrapins on 2 March 2021 -- Two terrapins.  They were gifts from my mother to Isaac.  

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Wednesday 10 March 2021

Peace Nature

Getting a pen name is hard as so many were taken.  Recently, before I retrieve back my lost pen name, I created my third YouTube, Peace Nature -- I am going to post videos again.  But I had no more iMovies.  So I had to download other video editing software, learn how to use them.  To date, I had not find any video editing software that I like yet.  I am still searching for one that is easy to use.  

Why Peace Nature?  I were thinking what name should I use?  Still I would use Peace.  I think I still like to be peaceful.  Then I keep thinking what I like.  And at the same time thinking of words that are available too.  In the end I chose Nature because I want everything to be as natural as possible.  Just like giving birth, I wanted it to be natural too.  When eating food, I like it to be as natural as possible too, choosing plain most of the time.  

With that my pen name is now Peace Nature.  I would use Peace Bella occasionally.  Peace Belle account hope to retrieve back, but don't know how.  


This is a video of Mumbo, given by the school counsellor.  There was another one, Jumbo, but she was stolen.  Mumbo was bought somewhere on the 21 February 2021 by the school counsellor.  He came to our home on the 25 February 2021.  Unfortunately he died on 2 March 2021. 

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