Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 March 2024



My Seven Stars Needle Plant or Rose Cactus Plant

Gardening is my hobby.  Every day when I walk to my garden and see flowers at my plants, I feel so happy.  Besides the above Seven Stars Needle Plant, I also have curry leaves plant (Murraya koenigii), money plant, Mexican petunia or Ruellia simplex, ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata), Money plant (Epipremnum Aureum), Basket/ Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans), Arrowhead (Syngonium Prodophyllum), Mother of thousands or Mexican hat plant (Bryophyllum daigremontianum), Water Jasmine (Wrightia Religiosa), Plyscias Balfouriana, Oyster plant (Tradescantia spathacea), bougainvillea, chilli plant, butterfly pea plant, Papaya plant, clover (Oxalis corniculata), cactus, cotton plant and Adenium obesum (福贵花).

Recently I sold some plants and this give me more motivation to grow and propagate more plants.  I bought lots of soil from Shopee and Lazada.  When the buyer wanted to buy my plants, I gave them the good nice ones.  If they are not so healthy, I gave them a cheaper rate.  When I sell them my plants, I gave them pots with so much soil as compared to the nurseries, where they gave half pot of soil or sometimes three quarter of soil.  

 Potting Soil that I purchased from Shopee

Garden Soil that I purchased from Shopee

Good soil is so important for the plants.  It gave them the good nutrients to thrive in the environment.  So when the soil I ordered came, I need to mix the soil before repotting my plants.  

Picture of the containers I used to mix the soil

I mostly do my gardening at night, where it would be not too hot.  At night the plants would not lose much water content too.  

If you want to buy soil in bulk, Shopee is selling a bundle of 3 at $13, a bundle of 5 at $25.  These prices are for the potting soil on the above photograph.  Yesterday I ordered 10 packets of  potting soil from Shopee!  As for the other photograph of the garden soil, Shopee is selling at 1 packet $6.80 (5 Litres).  There are so many varieties of medium you can used for your plants at Shopee.  Buying in bulk saves money and you do not need to carry them too.  

Friday 8 April 2022

Precious Time

The clock tower is covered with overgrown plants

Went to Boon Lay Secondary School on 22 August 2008.  This is a gift from the graduating class of 1997.  The clock was stalled and the whole structure covered, cannot be seen.  I had to pushed aside the plants to take the picture and video.  It says 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴            .

Meaning of the chinese proverb shown on the clock tower

Time is like gold, but no amount of gold can buy time.  An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.  

Time passed cannot be reversed too.  Time gone cannot be found again.  Dora died about 2 months back.  Father died one year back.  Jesus came 14 years ago.  

Everyday it is a gift to be able to wake up in the morning.  We can get to choose what we want to do for the day.  Thank God every morning for being able to wake up for another day.  Be good and do good to the people around us and our pets.  We do not know when we are not going to see them next.  Life is so unpredictable, like Dora.  

Last sight of Dora at the hospital

Got money also cannot bring back Dora.  Got money cannot buy back the lost time.  During my working days, I spent hours working, came home and need to cook meals or buy food, do the chores of the house and need to prepare for next day's lessons.  Richard spent his time working too.  There was hardly time together.  No quality time together, but it takes two to tango.  We hardly talk to each other.  And then one day he just suddenly told me that he knew of another girl!!!  I was so surprised and sad and angry that such things happened.  I was taken aback by such behaviour and treatment from him.  

We know each other for 32 years!  In the year 2000 we got separated and he left the house for another woman also.  I prayed for family reunion and in the May 2002 he came back.  After he knew that I started work, he stopped driving taxi.  He took over his aunt's shop business with his sister.  That is where everything change...  

 Buy Me Tea

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Water Moss


Picture of the water moss that I saw in the terrapins tank

Life is so amazing.  With life, so many amazing things can happen even without us knowing it.  It was simply incredible at times.  

The terrapins tank comes with a transparent cover as shown in the picture below: 

Photograph of the terrapins tank with a cover above it

Everyday Dora was so amazed at the terrapins as well.  She would sit down close by the tank and observe the terrapins.  Now she had learned to open the cover of the tank!  Imagine a cat with four legs, without hands, just legs, but they had tried to use their forelegs as hands!  Dora used her forelegs or 'hands', using her claws to lift up the cover!  How smart of her!  

After lifting up the cover, she licked the terrapins!  This is her way of learning more about these new friends in the water.  

Anyway, the water in the tank was not changed for more than a week.  So the white pebbles contains algae and a stalk of moss was found!  So amazing, a stalk of moss with stalk and leaves in the water just appear out of nowhere!  It was regeneration -- Just like how maggots appear in a closed bottle if the banana was left to rot in it.  This is the first time I see a water moss grown in water.  It was marvellous.  

Photograph showing the water moss grown in the water

I had taken a photograph of the water moss as shown in the picture above, however, it was too small to be seen clearly.  So I had sketched a drawing of the moss on the uppermost picture of this post.  

We planned to grow the moss, we did not throw it away.  Yesterday, the children changed the water and wash the pebbles for the terrapins.  After that, they put the moss back into the water.  But today it was gone.  Maybe the terrapins ate it up.  

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