Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Qyou4 Nan1 (Saving Lives)


 One day while walking on the way to 888 Plaza, a pigeon dropped down from its urban home, the modern nest that they build.  I was saying that it's so hard to find a nest in Singapore.  And I saw one nest that come to build in my corridor garden, a natural nest build by the sunbird itself.  How spectacular was that!

My father also brought home a pigeon one day.  I was so amazed with it.  That was the first time I saw a pigeon in my old house with my parents.  My father loved nature too.  He loved to watch animals documentaries too.  He loved to fish.  He was a good fisherman and he specially went hunting for frogs to cook for me to eat so that my legs would be strong when I was young.  My parents were farmers too.  

My father often talked about saving lives.  He would say in Teochew, 'Qyou4 Nan1' (Teochew) which means saving lives, 救人。He was also a kind hearted soul who loves to help people.  So he always mentioned that if wanted to save lives, people must not charge any money.  This is because he encountered many 'medium' who charged my mother thousands of dollars...

Today my father is gone.  By faith, we know that he is in better place now.  I am sure he would be saving lives.  

To think that I was a Catholic since birth, I am a Christian and yet I did not know that being Christian means that we will be saved by God!  I must thank Jesus and God for coming to me to show me, to let me experience and to save my soul. This was assurance of salvation.  If I had sinned and I was saved, so can you. 

Jesus said, "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." John 5:24

You can depend upon this promise.  It means what it says. Eternal life is what you receive when you receive Jesus Christ by faith as your personal Saviour.  The God 'who cannot lie' (Titus 1:2) says, "He who hears My word and believes...has eternal life."  We can base our assurance of salvation on the words of Jesus with total confidence.  

One glorious day Jesus Christ will return as a Conqueror to take His children to be with Him.  "And thus we shall always be with the Lord". (1 Thess 4:17).  We do not know the day nor the hour when this great event will take place. "For the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."  (Matthew 24:44)  Until that day we must live and work for the Lord.    

Saturday 13 March 2021


 Jesus always taught people using parables and He is a great teacher because He is able to cure the sick, the blind and even bring the dead back to life.  

Jesus had always perform miracles.  I had never experienced miracles before.  However, I had experienced miracle on the day where Jesus came to save me.  He came to 'wash my feet' -- I had the most wonderful shower on that day, perfectly cleanse.  I felt so good and so refreshed.  

Jesus did miracles for two reasons -- to show His love for people and to prove that He is God and has all power to heal and to give eternal life to those who believe in Him.

If Jesus had not come, I would probably end up in Hell and purgatory.  I was the lamb that he saved.  I was a sinner and yet He came to save me.  I was the lost sheep and He came to rescued me.   

Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7:  The Little Lost Lamb
Jesus once told a story about a little lamb that lived in a pasture with 99 other sheep.  The shepherd took very good care of his sheep.  He fed them, gave them water, and chased away wild animals.  But one day, the shepherd noticed his lamb was missing.  Right away, he left the other 99 and went looking.  When he found the lamb he was very happy.  

Looking at the picture of Jesus carrying the lost lamb (before Jesus came), I always wondered how it felt like.  So I always tried carrying Cebest to have a feel of it.  

Back to the miracle.  And I still remember the day when Richard and I went to Marsiling to eat Bak Kut Teh (his favourite), I just drink the soup.  On that day, the soup was never dry!  I kept drinking the soup and the water level was always the same!  Isn't it a miracle as well?  I can still remember also that on the way to the Bak Kut Teh, we cycled there by the way, and there was a green slim snake dropped just in front of him.  I was a little behind him, so I saw everything.  He was so scared.  

Matthew 14:16-21, Mark 6:35-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:5-14 Jesus Feed the 5000 men and their families.

I really never believe in miracles, but after this incident, there really is such things called miracles.  

The golem, showing Victory over sins

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)