Showing posts with label cebest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cebest. Show all posts

Monday 7 June 2021

Cebest Anniversary



 This is a video I had done to remember Cebest. It took me a few years to be able to get over it and to create the video.  Today is Cebest's 15th death anniversary.  

I had always wanted a dog.  Richard bought me a dog, Baby, but due to pregnancy, it had to be given away.  After that Richard left the family.  He returned again after about less than 2 years.  Then one day, his friend lent him a car.  He drove to Pasir Ris and there we saw so many dogs.  We looked around and we liked Cebest.  Love at first sight.  We decided to buy him.  I bought the dog for him.  

But I am the one looking after the dog.  I bathed for him, gave him food and he slept with me.  He followed me everywhere I went.  We were always together.  When I sat at the table to use the computer, he would laid down below the table, waiting patiently for me.  

When I put on the shoes for him, he knew that he was going out.  He would be so happy, jumping about, dashing around, waiting to go out of the house.  Because of the vaccination, he died.  Now I am very scared to bring Dora for vaccination.  Her yearly vaccination is due.  Should I bring her for vaccination?  Dora is 2 years old now.  I had not brought her for vaccination.  

Isaac wanted a dog.  He wanted a Dachshund.  But it was so expensive.  Furthermore I am scared the dog and cat would fight.  I did not hope for another dog.  Two is enough.  Having Baby and Cebest is enough already.  I hope they will be happy now in heaven.  

Thursday 25 March 2021



Photograph of the family in 2003

Life is so unpredictable.  One moment he was gone, another moment he came back.  Then now he is gone again.  Now, he is remarried...  I bought a Schnauzer for him in the year 2003.  Woe to me, I bought a dog instead of keeping a baby!  I never know that I would have 3 children next.  I never know that Cebest had such a short life also...

Ah Kew, his friend, happened to have a car that day.  Richard borrowed the car, and we went to see dogs at Pasir Ris.  We came across the only 'black' Schnauzer there, so cute and loveable.  It was love at first sight.  So I bought it for him.  Back home, we thought of a name for him.  'See the best' which is Cebest.  We paid only $2000 at that time to buy Cebest.  

Photograph of Cebest lying on the bed

Now, Isaac wishes to have a dog.  We went to the pet shop to see dogs.  He likes a Dachshund so much.  I asked the shopkeeper for the price and it was so incredible.  A Dachshund now cost $13000!!!!  It was simply too expensive.  We could not afford it.  And Isaac was so sad.  

Anyway, we had Cebest with us for 3 years.  We lost him after the yearly vaccination.  After vaccination, one day, he saw 'something' coming in from the main door.  He was barking non-stop at the air.  He saw something which we could not see.  The 'thing' came into our room.  He followed.  Then after that his health deteriorated.  The 'thing' might be the death angel that came to bring him away from us.  He always hide in the store room and his appetite was no good.  He refused to eat.  I wanted to bring him to the vet, but Richard said, "wait and see."  But in the end, in the early morning, dawn time, we had to rush him to the vet, which was too late.  He died at the clinic.  


 I was so sad for weeks.  It was the year 2006 that we lost him.  After that we do not have anymore dogs in our lives.  In the year 2007, I had occasions where my legs 'kick' on something at the end of the bed.  I also heard bells.  It seemed that Cebest had come back.  I was 'converted' as well.  And in the year 2008, my faith had saved me...

Buy Me Tea

Saturday 13 March 2021


 Jesus always taught people using parables and He is a great teacher because He is able to cure the sick, the blind and even bring the dead back to life.  

Jesus had always perform miracles.  I had never experienced miracles before.  However, I had experienced miracle on the day where Jesus came to save me.  He came to 'wash my feet' -- I had the most wonderful shower on that day, perfectly cleanse.  I felt so good and so refreshed.  

Jesus did miracles for two reasons -- to show His love for people and to prove that He is God and has all power to heal and to give eternal life to those who believe in Him.

If Jesus had not come, I would probably end up in Hell and purgatory.  I was the lamb that he saved.  I was a sinner and yet He came to save me.  I was the lost sheep and He came to rescued me.   

Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7:  The Little Lost Lamb
Jesus once told a story about a little lamb that lived in a pasture with 99 other sheep.  The shepherd took very good care of his sheep.  He fed them, gave them water, and chased away wild animals.  But one day, the shepherd noticed his lamb was missing.  Right away, he left the other 99 and went looking.  When he found the lamb he was very happy.  

Looking at the picture of Jesus carrying the lost lamb (before Jesus came), I always wondered how it felt like.  So I always tried carrying Cebest to have a feel of it.  

Back to the miracle.  And I still remember the day when Richard and I went to Marsiling to eat Bak Kut Teh (his favourite), I just drink the soup.  On that day, the soup was never dry!  I kept drinking the soup and the water level was always the same!  Isn't it a miracle as well?  I can still remember also that on the way to the Bak Kut Teh, we cycled there by the way, and there was a green slim snake dropped just in front of him.  I was a little behind him, so I saw everything.  He was so scared.  

Matthew 14:16-21, Mark 6:35-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:5-14 Jesus Feed the 5000 men and their families.

I really never believe in miracles, but after this incident, there really is such things called miracles.  

The golem, showing Victory over sins

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

Friday 12 March 2021

Guardian Angels


 There are certainly spirits in the air. It takes me years to experience and to conclude the existence of angels and God.  

Since young, I had been 'accompanied' by spirits, or are they angels?  There were sounds in the middle of the night and things dropped when there were not even wind.  Even my sister had scratches on her body when she woke up.  Who had done those scatches?  

In my old house, I had a pet dog named Baby.  He would bark at the kitchen, barking in the air as we seen it, but we could not see anything.  He even tried to fight with it.  Not one time but several times.  

If this evidence of spirits are not sufficient, there is another dog, named Cebest.  Cebest was my second dog.  He died on his third years of life.  Before his death, he saw something at the gate that seem to have come into the house.  He chased 'the spirit' (what we cannot see) from the gate to the inside of the house, to the bedroom.  Then he kept barking, just like what Baby encounter.  

After that day, Cebest became very ill.  That day he had his vaccination too.  So did he just met his death angel?  He kept 'hiding' in the store room, very weak to move.  I asked Richard, "Shall we bring Cebest to the vet?"  He said, "Wait till tomorrow see how."  

But everything happened so fast.  Cebest was not able to wait till the next day.  He laid down on the bed with me that faithful night.  I slept and was suddenly awoken to attend to Cebest to see how he was.  I could see that he was in critical condition.  I told Richard and I made a call to the vet.  Then we send him to the vet.  There, the vet gave him a jab.  However, still it was no use.  Cebest died.

After his death, his spirit came back.  One night, I was able to hear his bell and my leg kicked on something.  It was Cebest, at the bottom end of the bed.  He had come home.  But now so many years had past, and I had no experience of Cebest's spirit already.  I think he had gone to the rainbow bridge already.  

According to CCC 336, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.  We are each assigned a guardian angel.  I experienced it several time during my motherhood time.  

Raising my first child, Ricsson, I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, to see him almost dropping on the floor on the bed.  He was lying at the edge of the bed.  He slept with me on the bed.  I always wondered why would I always able to wake up during the opportune timing?  Finding and seeing that he was at the edge, I quickly carried him back to safety.  

Another occasion was when Ricsson was bathing.  I had a bath tub in the old house last time.  Ricsson loved to play in the bath tub.  On one occasion, I left him to play.  Then while I was away, or not paying attention, suddenly I just walked past the toilet and saw Ricsson almost drown.  He slipped into the water.  I quickly brought him up.  Saving him again.  

When Ricsson was just a few days old, he was very sick.  One day, he awoke with swollen face.  I noticed the change in him.  I quickly sent him to the doctor, despite my mother-in-law who said, "It's normal for babies to be sick."  At the doctor, I was told to rush him to the hospital immediately.  There he was treated for Meningitis.  Luckily I did not delay.  

How do I know of all these?  It was life's reflection and also what I learned from the priest, the homily.  I learned from Father Terence that our wisdom is from God, and how angels communicate with us is through the input of message into our brain.  From that onwards, it all make sense.