Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Taco and Mochi


 We finally saw the mother cat and her two kittens. Ah Wai uncle said that it was first time the mother cat come to look for people.  We knew that was the power of St Anthony!


 Clara and Isaac named the kittens. They decided that the ginger cat be called Taco and the tabby cat be called Mochi. We had name the unisex names to the kittens because we did not know the sex of the kittens.  

We went home on Saturday with no kittens, but we were happy we had progress -- got to know the mother cat and the kittens.  We would want to come back on Sunday to bring home the kitten.  It was arranged that we would go to the company on Sunday 9.30am.  

However, on Sunday, early in the morning, Ah Wai uncle called.  He got covid virus.  He was not able to pick mum up for work.  So my mother did not want to go work on that day.  When I broke the news to the children, Isaac was sad.  He wanted to go back to the company.  So my mum agreed to go.  And we took bus there.  However, it rained when we were taking bus 255 this time.  We had to wait for the bus to get lighter at the bus stop.

We dashed into the company when the rain was lighter.  We quickly went straight to see whether Zhi Hao got managed to capture the two kittens for us a not.  He did not manage to see the kittens.  He said he only see the mother cat in the morning.  When we had reached there, we saw the mother cat.  We brought her food this time, proper cat food.  She ate a lot.  

Soon the kittens came out.  They too was eating the food.  The two kittens appeared, sharing their food on the palette.  We quickly told Zhi Hao to help us.  Zhi Hao quickly came to help us catch the kitten.  
He captured Taco first.  I got hold of him and transfer him to the carrier.  About 5 minutes later, he caught Mochi too.  However, when trying to put him inside the carrier, he escaped.  

After that, we always looked for opportunities to capture Mochi, but in vain.  They were more cautious now and on that day, we left the place with Taco only.  

Saturday 12 June 2021

Longevity noodle


Noodles from Crystal Jade

Yesterday was mum's birthday.  She had been sick for almost four days.  Her blood pressure was high.  But after drinking Methi seeds drink, she was better.  I planned to buy durian cake for her but on Thursday night, my brother wanted me to buy longevity noodle for mum.  He said durian cake is too heaty.  

So I went Causeway Point at 11am.  When I reached 5th floor, the shop was all dark and no one was around.  The sign was shown: Closed.  They will only open at 1130am.  So I went to walk around first.  At 1130am, I looked at the menu and I asked the staff, "Do you sell longevity noodle?"  They showed me the noodle page.  They don't sell noodles that are cooked for like 3-4 people.  They only sell noodles that are consumed by 1 person.  So in the end, I bought 2 packet of different noodle.  

In the photograph above, on the left is Ee Fu Mushroom Noodle and on the right is Fried Mee Sua with XO sauce.  The Ee Fu Noodle cost $16.80 and the Fried Mee Sua cost $20.80.  Mum thought one packet of noodle cost around $8.  The portion was very little, but mum ate little only, and 2 packet of noodle was enough for the 3 of us.  

I wanted to have 2 red eggs for mum.  I asked the Crystal Jade staff if they can sell me 2 red eggs.  They said red eggs are only available for dine in.  They don't have red eggs for take away.  So in the end, no red eggs for mum.  

My sister and I did not sing Happy Birthday song for mum, but we wished her Happy Birthday, and said good and auspicious words to her.  After eating the food, we spent some time together.  I taught her how to play Candy Crush.  She likes the game very much.  

Saturday 13 March 2021


 Jesus always taught people using parables and He is a great teacher because He is able to cure the sick, the blind and even bring the dead back to life.  

Jesus had always perform miracles.  I had never experienced miracles before.  However, I had experienced miracle on the day where Jesus came to save me.  He came to 'wash my feet' -- I had the most wonderful shower on that day, perfectly cleanse.  I felt so good and so refreshed.  

Jesus did miracles for two reasons -- to show His love for people and to prove that He is God and has all power to heal and to give eternal life to those who believe in Him.

If Jesus had not come, I would probably end up in Hell and purgatory.  I was the lamb that he saved.  I was a sinner and yet He came to save me.  I was the lost sheep and He came to rescued me.   

Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7:  The Little Lost Lamb
Jesus once told a story about a little lamb that lived in a pasture with 99 other sheep.  The shepherd took very good care of his sheep.  He fed them, gave them water, and chased away wild animals.  But one day, the shepherd noticed his lamb was missing.  Right away, he left the other 99 and went looking.  When he found the lamb he was very happy.  

Looking at the picture of Jesus carrying the lost lamb (before Jesus came), I always wondered how it felt like.  So I always tried carrying Cebest to have a feel of it.  

Back to the miracle.  And I still remember the day when Richard and I went to Marsiling to eat Bak Kut Teh (his favourite), I just drink the soup.  On that day, the soup was never dry!  I kept drinking the soup and the water level was always the same!  Isn't it a miracle as well?  I can still remember also that on the way to the Bak Kut Teh, we cycled there by the way, and there was a green slim snake dropped just in front of him.  I was a little behind him, so I saw everything.  He was so scared.  

Matthew 14:16-21, Mark 6:35-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:5-14 Jesus Feed the 5000 men and their families.

I really never believe in miracles, but after this incident, there really is such things called miracles.  

The golem, showing Victory over sins

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)