Showing posts with label death angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death angel. Show all posts

Saturday 19 February 2022

Proclaim Good News

We Are Sent Into The World 

 I have not update my blog since July 2021. It was 7 months since I last update it. 
Life had been smooth sailing until now, the tragic death of Dora...

Cebest died at the age of 3.  Dora died at the age of 3 too.  Besides this similarities, both seemed to be planned...  Cebest saw the death angel came and Dora's death angel was like being sent.  Her death happened at a 'good' timing...

 “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” ~Matthew 26:34 

 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” ~ John 2:19

 Cebest died on 7.6.2006.  I was 'converted' in the year of 2007, the belief of spirits, the spirit returned, and I went back to church, our catholic church.  There, I 'met' Jesus again at the Church of Saint Anthony of Padua in the year 2008.   My sins were forgiven.  I had a new life then.  Isaac was born.

Last year, my father died.  This year, we celebrated his first year anniversary on 25.1.2022.  Then on 31.1.2022, dora died.  Unlike me, I was given a second chance to live.  I was dead but resurrected on 8.3.2008.  I was converted on 31.12.2007.  With all the explanation at night told to Richard and the children as regards to the noise that I heard at night.  

So similarly, I believe that my father would be resurrected after death.  So did Cebest and Dora.  And definitely my unborn baby.  These are not learned in our school.  I had to experience it first hand to believe.  And today I believe that my faith would guide me through the remaining days of my life so that I would eventually meet my dearly departed loved ones again...


Thursday 25 March 2021



Photograph of the family in 2003

Life is so unpredictable.  One moment he was gone, another moment he came back.  Then now he is gone again.  Now, he is remarried...  I bought a Schnauzer for him in the year 2003.  Woe to me, I bought a dog instead of keeping a baby!  I never know that I would have 3 children next.  I never know that Cebest had such a short life also...

Ah Kew, his friend, happened to have a car that day.  Richard borrowed the car, and we went to see dogs at Pasir Ris.  We came across the only 'black' Schnauzer there, so cute and loveable.  It was love at first sight.  So I bought it for him.  Back home, we thought of a name for him.  'See the best' which is Cebest.  We paid only $2000 at that time to buy Cebest.  

Photograph of Cebest lying on the bed

Now, Isaac wishes to have a dog.  We went to the pet shop to see dogs.  He likes a Dachshund so much.  I asked the shopkeeper for the price and it was so incredible.  A Dachshund now cost $13000!!!!  It was simply too expensive.  We could not afford it.  And Isaac was so sad.  

Anyway, we had Cebest with us for 3 years.  We lost him after the yearly vaccination.  After vaccination, one day, he saw 'something' coming in from the main door.  He was barking non-stop at the air.  He saw something which we could not see.  The 'thing' came into our room.  He followed.  Then after that his health deteriorated.  The 'thing' might be the death angel that came to bring him away from us.  He always hide in the store room and his appetite was no good.  He refused to eat.  I wanted to bring him to the vet, but Richard said, "wait and see."  But in the end, in the early morning, dawn time, we had to rush him to the vet, which was too late.  He died at the clinic.  


 I was so sad for weeks.  It was the year 2006 that we lost him.  After that we do not have anymore dogs in our lives.  In the year 2007, I had occasions where my legs 'kick' on something at the end of the bed.  I also heard bells.  It seemed that Cebest had come back.  I was 'converted' as well.  And in the year 2008, my faith had saved me...

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