Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Thursday 25 March 2021



Photograph of the family in 2003

Life is so unpredictable.  One moment he was gone, another moment he came back.  Then now he is gone again.  Now, he is remarried...  I bought a Schnauzer for him in the year 2003.  Woe to me, I bought a dog instead of keeping a baby!  I never know that I would have 3 children next.  I never know that Cebest had such a short life also...

Ah Kew, his friend, happened to have a car that day.  Richard borrowed the car, and we went to see dogs at Pasir Ris.  We came across the only 'black' Schnauzer there, so cute and loveable.  It was love at first sight.  So I bought it for him.  Back home, we thought of a name for him.  'See the best' which is Cebest.  We paid only $2000 at that time to buy Cebest.  

Photograph of Cebest lying on the bed

Now, Isaac wishes to have a dog.  We went to the pet shop to see dogs.  He likes a Dachshund so much.  I asked the shopkeeper for the price and it was so incredible.  A Dachshund now cost $13000!!!!  It was simply too expensive.  We could not afford it.  And Isaac was so sad.  

Anyway, we had Cebest with us for 3 years.  We lost him after the yearly vaccination.  After vaccination, one day, he saw 'something' coming in from the main door.  He was barking non-stop at the air.  He saw something which we could not see.  The 'thing' came into our room.  He followed.  Then after that his health deteriorated.  The 'thing' might be the death angel that came to bring him away from us.  He always hide in the store room and his appetite was no good.  He refused to eat.  I wanted to bring him to the vet, but Richard said, "wait and see."  But in the end, in the early morning, dawn time, we had to rush him to the vet, which was too late.  He died at the clinic.  


 I was so sad for weeks.  It was the year 2006 that we lost him.  After that we do not have anymore dogs in our lives.  In the year 2007, I had occasions where my legs 'kick' on something at the end of the bed.  I also heard bells.  It seemed that Cebest had come back.  I was 'converted' as well.  And in the year 2008, my faith had saved me...

Buy Me Tea

Monday 15 March 2021

49 Days After Death


                                                                         My Father

Last Saturday my mother celebrated 49 days after death for my father.  It was supposed to be on Sunday, but the priests would not be free on Sunday to pray for him.  

Early in the morning my mother cooked his favourite food and dessert.  My brother went to buy his favourite food too.  On the table was placed all his favourite food.  

My mother said that for daughters we would mourn until today.  But for sons, they will mourn for 100days.  During the days of mourning, we cannot go other people's houses, cannot attend other funerals and weddings.  We were not supposed to wear red or bright colours.  


       My Father when he was young

 So you can see that people grow old.  We are not forever young.  That is the life cycle of human being.  After death, we are resurrected -- the belief of Catholic.  Because of this belief, it gives us hope.  It gives us reassurance that our father is still alive and we that we will meet some day to come. 

Luke 11:9, 10  -- So I tell you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…

I prayed that my parents have everlasting life, and I am willing to sacrifice myself for them.  I do not know what is God's plan for me now.  Having experience death and resurrection, I place all my trust to the Lord and God Jesus Christ now. 

Buy Me Tea


Photograph of me taken on 1.5.2009 (at Church of St Anthony of Padua), the 9th month I was pregnant...

It is said that the natural resources of Singapore is nothing but People, a human being.

What is a human being?  We asked about how the chicken comes about?  Is it from egg first or from chicken first?  We have many questions about life as well.  However we could not answer them.  Did you really think about our meaning of life at all?  What is the purpose of living in this world even?

I questioned it.  It was my paternal grandmother's death that I had experienced a life lost.  So that was the ultimate destiny of a personSingapore, our common destiny, our shared destiny, death.  

But how does people come about?  Though I studied and read on books about the process of pregnancy, I was blinded to think that I can abort the 'heart' (the six weeks old foetus).  That was a precious human being, from the day it was conceived!  How precious it was for people who do not even have a chance to have a baby.  Some people tried so hard for babies and yet they had none.  Yet, I was blinded.  It never dawn on me that I was actually killing a precious life like that!

The human life starts from the fertilization of the egg with the sperm.  It slowly develops into more cell division and ultimately the heart is formed and subsequently everything develops slowly in the mother's womb.  The 'making of a human being' takes nine precious months.  So the human lives should be treasured.  
Photograph of Isaac and me taken on 1.8.2009

I bared the hardship of pregnancy and successfully gave birth to Isaac.  That is how a life comes about from a tiny egg that met the sperm grow in the womb, and eventually into a full term baby.  Another hardship was the labour pain and eventually all the pushing hard to have the baby come to the world.  So that was the 'making of a people'.

I too was born from my mother's womb.  I grew up, brought up in my mother's house and my parents' are also brought up locally, all within Singapore.  Singapore is a small country and do you really know what is the right way to live our life?  

John 14:6 --  Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."